Sunday, June 17, 2012

“Coal train plans need careful study.” By Amber Waldref and Robert Truckner

“Coal train plans need careful study.” By Amber Waldref and Truckner
June 17, 2012 in Opinion. Spokesman-Review.

This article regards two corporations planning to railroad Spokane and other Pacific Northwest cities with coal bound for Asia. The burning coal will revisit the Pacific Northwesterners bringing additional pollution in the form of smoke, smog, and particulates.

The corporations' plan will endanger the people, the animals and plants, and the very nature of the Pacific Northwest.

Here is a short quote from the guest opinion published in the Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Washington State, on Sunday, June 17, 2012.

"By our estimation, 50-70 coal trains would pass through Spokane daily on their way to and from strip mines in the Powder River Basin region to proposed ports in Longview, Cherry Point, and other coastal sites in Washington and Oregon, without any benefit to our city."

“Amber Waldref is a member of the Spokane City Council. Dr. Robert Truckner is a pediatric emergency physician at Spokane Emergency Physicians.”

Monday, June 11, 2012

Infinite Unknown on Fukushima

Infinite Unknown has a listing of links about the Fukushima tragedy, and the ensuing radiation.
Meanwhile, a cup of rosemary tea, and lots of flax seed products, may help to protect us.
But, the best cure is to end nuclear power for good.

Bank of Coal via Rainforest Action Network, Charlotte, NC

Bank of Coal via Rainforest Action Network

Activists are fighting against the resurgance of burning coal. Here is a note from the Rainforest Action Network"

"RAN activists descended on Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, NC, unfurling a giant banner over the side of the stadium with a new, more appropriate, company moniker: “Bank of Coal.”

RAN has a link to a petition to stop B of A from dealing in coal:

For more information, visit the Rainforest Action Network website.
The right hand column includes "Take Action" links to petitions and other ways to keep our Earth healthy for all.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

EarthMattersNow! Spokane, WA KYRS (88.1 and 93.2) Tues. at noon

EarthMattersNow! on KYRS (88.1 and 93.2)
Tues. at noon with Laura Akerman and Mike Peterson, Executive Director of the Lands Council.
Check out the weekly show for enviromental news and other Earth topics.
KYRS Thin Air Community Radio station

From the "About" page:

"KYRS-Thin Air Community Radio is a volunteer-powered, non-commercial, listener-supported, community radio station in Spokane, WA serving the area with unique programming for un-served and underserved populations. Heard on 92.3 & 88.1 FM and streaming 24/7 at, we provide a mix of news, views, culture and music often overlooked by other media."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Article link to "America in Decline, The Soul-Crushing Despair of Lowered Expectations." By Michael Snyder.Published on The Economic Collapse Blog Tuesday, June 05, 2012. Republished on Prison Planet Wednesday, June 06, 2012.

Article link to "America in Decline, The Soul-Crushing Despair of Lowered Expectations." By Michael Snyder. Published on The Economic Collapse Blog Tuesday, June 05, 2012. Republished on Prison Planet Wednesday, June 06, 2012.

Snyder sums up the way many Americans and people in other countries are feeling. Looking for jobs is hard enough. Keeping them is even harder. And finding jobs that are careers, or work that we love, can prove elusive.

The comment section incudes posts. Here is one of many:

 SidDavis June 5th, 2012 at 6:10 pm
When government runs the economy what they produce is poverty for the many. If this isn’t the time to consider the words of the Declaration of Independence, I don’t know when would be more appropriate:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”


Many of the comments offer advice in these times. Keep going. Look for worth within yourself. Keep the American Dream, which is a dream for the peace and prosperity of the whole world, alive, and keep the dreams alive in all of us, especially the young people and kids. They have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The tyrants effecting the chaos are nothing more than bullies, and crazies, who will try to become our masters. Many people confuse these tyrants with politicans, who are our servants. When people as a group realize that many political positions are used by bullies to rule US and the world, then We the People can end the suffering, and return to receiving the fruits of our labor.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense, published in 1776, effected the American Revolution.
Paine viewed our trouble through a summary of the situation. If there is trouble, it's because "we furnish the means by which we suffer." That means we can fix it.

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer! Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others."


Article link to "America in Decline, The Soul-Crushing Despair of Lowered Expectations." By Michael Snyder.Published on The Economic Collapse Blog Tuesday, June 05, 2012.

Article link to "America in Decline, The Soul-Crushing Despair of Lowered Expectations." By Michael Snyder.Published on The Economic Collapse Blog Tuesday, June 05, 2012. Republished on Prison Planet Wednesday, June 06, 2012.

Noam Chomsky's "America's Rank Hypocrisy."

"America's Rank Hypocrisy: Why Is It Only an 'Atrocity' When Other Countries Do It? How America's Worst Crimes are Ignored, While We Lecture Others on Human Rights." By Noan Chomsky. Published on AlterNet.

Chomsky serves as a professor of linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as a political activist.

In this article, Chomsky adds to the over-flowing evidence that people working in the US Government are engaged in atrocities. Chomsky lists events as if in a court of law, providing yet more evidence of people in the US Government killing in America's name.

He discusses the 2004 destruction of Fallujah, Iraq, during which US troops used chemical weapons such as depleted uranium, aka DU, containing radioactive waste. and white phosphorous.

Chomsky states:

"If the Fallujah events are reminiscent of the events that took place in the Bosnian enclave of Srebrenica, now again in the news with the genocide trial of Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic, there’s a good reason. An honest comparison would be instructive, but there’s no fear of that."

From this reader's perspective, Chomsky's sarcasm is ambiguous, and seems to imply a surrender to the forces of hypocrits. As a linguist, he can know the power of words. This reader would rather see a call to action, to end the suffering of innocent people.


Original Title: IRAQ: 'Special Weapons' Have a Fallout on Babies
"FALLUJAH, Jun 12 (IPS) - Babies born in Fallujah are showing illnesses and deformities on a scale never seen before, doctors and residents say.
The new cases, and the number of deaths among children, have risen after "special weaponry" was used in the two massive bombing campaigns in Fallujah in 2004."

by Karlos Zurutuza
"Other than the white phosphorus, many point to depleted uranium (DU), a radioactive element which, according to military engineers, significantly increases the penetration capacity of shells. DU is believed to have a life of 4.5 billion years, and it has been labelled the 'silent murderer that never stops killing.'"