Our Country is Threatened by Losing Human Rights for All.
We must STOP the torture and broken laws.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are Clear.
Post via World Can't Wait
"Intense world events have again eclipsed news of the Guantanamo prisoners, meaning that their situation grows worse. No wave of releases has followed Obama's promise in May 2013 to once again close it. Andy Worthington reported Friday in Guantanamo Violence: Prisoners Report Shaker Aamer "Beaten," Another Man Assaulted "For Nearly Two Hours":
Clive Stafford Smith, the founder and director of the legal action charity Reprieve, described how he has “just received a series of unclassified letters from various detainees who we represent in Guantánamo Bay,” which “tell a disturbingly consistent story” — of “a new ‘standard procedure’ where the FCE team [the armored guards responsible for violently removing prisoners from their cells through 'forcible cell extractions'] is being used to abuse the prisoners with particular severity because of the on-going non-violent hunger strike protest against their unconscionable treatment.”
In a most unlikely publication, The New Republic, the contrast is made between how prisoners in Guantanamo (most of whom have been "cleared" for release) are treated and how convicted war criminals are treated at The Hague:
Contact with Family
- The Hague permits visits from family members, and even assists with travel expenses if the prisoner qualifies as “indigent.” Thanks to conjugal visits, Liberian warlord Charles Taylor fathered a child while imprisoned at The Hague in 2010. Prisoners can also make phone calls and send letters.
- Guantanamo: Visits and phone calls are not allowed. The International Committee of the Red Cross can deliver letters to and from family members, but communication is limited by a slow declassification process and limited visits by the ICRC to Guantánamo.
Access to Lawyers
- The Hague: Prisoners can communicate with their legal defense team in person, over the phone, or electronically. They have a computer in their cell that is linked to a computer that is only accessible by their legal counsel. Lawyers can upload relevant documents and prisoners can instantly send back comments. Though the ICC monitors other communications, conversations between prisoners and their defense team is considered privileged communication that cannot be monitored.
- Guantanamo: Prisoners can only communicate with their defense counsel in person at a nearby facility (lawyers cannot visit their clients in the highly classified Camp seven). Lawyers have to travel several hours by plane to get to Guantánamo. Although attorney-client conversations are supposed to be private, defense lawyers have identified listening devices in the meeting rooms disguised to look like smoke detectors."
The Navy nurse who reportedly refused, on grounds of conscience, to participate in force-feeding prisoners has been sent home, and is under investigation, which could result in a court martial or discipline. Kevin Gosztola concludes in Navy Nurse Who Refused Order to Force-Feed Hunger Striking Guantanamo Prisoners May Face Discipline:
If the nurse does face a court-martial, not only will the military be penalizing the officer for conscientiously objecting but the military will also be actively defending the very abusive, cruel and degrading treatment, which represents some of the worst human rights violations engaged in by the United States government in recent decades.
Months of high-level wrangling involving current and former CIA leadership, the Obama administration, the US Senate, and their attorneys have produced charges of criminal activity and Constitutional crisis.
Didn't President “We don't look backward, we look forward” Obama recently say, “we tortured some folks?”
But that's so last war ago.
Continue reading The Nazis Had Their Law Professors Too, John Yoo...
Dangerous Plans for More U.S. Bombing, Surveillance, and Troops in Iraq & Syria
The Senators leading the pack of war-dogs, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, opined in The New York Times this week on the need for the U.S. to go all-out in the Middle East:
We must face facts: A comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS would require more troops, assets, resources and time. Such an undertaking should involve Congress. We have consistently advocated revising the Authorization for Use of Military Force that has provided congressional backing for counterterrorism operations since September 2001.
These plans carry with them a repeat, or worse, of the mass death and destruction of society the U.S. carried out in an attempt to control Iraq. That occupation only created the ground on which ISIS and other Islamic fundamentalist responses to imperialism grew. There is ten years of evidence that the U.S. cannot do anything good militarily in the region.
Download flier: NO MORE War on Iraq!
Download Giant Posters: No War on Iraq
Revolution shares a comment on events in Iraq & Syria:
Any ideology or set of beliefs that can't stand criticism and denounces people who disagree with it as "heretics," and kills or otherwise seeks to silence those people who disagree with it, is a cowardly and bankrupt ideology and one that nobody should have anything to do with...
Today the representatives of the U.S. express shock and outrage at such tactics. But fundamentally, to the USA and other imperialists, whether or not to support this kind of religious fundamentalist fascism is a matter of taste—their only criterion is whether it works for, or against, how they view their interests in any situation. Think of Saudi Arabia, where the U.S. has used massive weaponry and political support to reinforce a reactionary religious state which goes so far as to forbid women the right to drive! And, quiet as it's kept today, check out the way in which the U.S. bankrolled and gave military support to Osama bin-Laden and other forces like him in Afghanistan in the 1980s, when that suited their interests.
“The Unseenery is Lovely,” above, by Dwayne Booth (Mr. Fish), an award-winning cartoonist and writer whose work has appeared in numerous magazines and on websites across the country and internationally. He is also the author of Go Fish: How to Win Contempt and Influence People, as well as a forthcoming book on art as commentary, due out this month. To see more of his work visit his website, clowncrack.com.
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In addition to marching with the expected tens of thousands of protesters flooding the streets of NYC in three weeks during yet another do-nothing UN conference on the climate crisis, World Can't Wait is hosting the following discussion at the Climate Convergence:
Climate Crisis: The Roots of the Problem
Speakers will examine underlying economic, political and philosophical roots of the climate crisis. The science is clear: what are the obstacles preventing action commensurate with the crisis? Speakers will address the capitalist economic and political system, theological understanding of humanity's relation to the earth and the inheritance of colonial domination and the settler mindset. Featuring:
Ignacio Castuera - a graduate of the School of Theology at Claremont, the Rev. Dr. Castuera studied and wrote about the problems of violence and the patriarchal worship of a mother goddess in Mexican culture. After completing his education, Ignacio served at churches in Mexico, as well as in Hawaii and California.
Erica Violet Lee - Idle No More student activist in Canada who gets her strength from other aboriginal youth and talking with elders.
Orpheus Reed - writer for Revolution and its special issue “State of Emergency: The Plunder of Our Planet, the Environmental Catastrophe and the Real Revolutionary Solution.”
►More information about the march
►Sign-up for the Stop the Crimes Against the Planet contingent. |
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