The Criminals in US Government Take Over National Parks to Make Criminals of US and World Citizens
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Armed guard obeys criminal orders to keep tourists away from Lincoln Memorial.
The government doesn't plan for the "shut-down" to end. This is a big step straight into fascism. This is the beginning of the chaos so loved by the criminally insane. This is school yard bullying gone nuclear. They have just taken over OUR national parks and monuments!!!! This is martial law, where "they" tell US where we can go.
Armed Guards Ask Their Masters What They Should Do to Elderly WW2 Vets Who Broke Through Barriers to Visit Their Memorial. What's wrong with this photo?
It shows fascism at work and public servants facilitating the fascism.
Brave WWII Vets Knock Over Barriers to Their Own Monument
"The scene was both emotional and comical at once. After it was clear they had lost control of the situation, Park Police officials stood aside, telling press that they had “asked for guidance on how to respond” to the breach of security."
The shutdown that began Tuesday has led to furloughs for about 2,200 people who work at the Grand Canyon National Park and its hotels. "And that's not counting the economic impact in the gateway communities, all of the related businesses, the bus tours, hiking companies, the jeep tours, all of those associated functions are suffering economically as well," Uberuaga said.
It's time to take out the trash in Our government. Hold onto the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights. We will need to guide our actions, steer our ships on the course of the bright constellation of human rights, noted by the founders and our colonists. WE must fire these treasonous and insane public servants. Legally according to the Constitution, Bloodlessly so no little kids are hurt or tramatized, and Immediately before they finish US off.
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