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Arfee, the 2 year old Lab slaughtered by an out-of-control police officer in Coeur d'Alene. We can call Coeur d'Alene city hall to demand justice. We must stop the crimes of the police. Coeur d'Alene police did not follow sop, and thus endangered not only the innocent dog, but the entire community. Phone: 208.769.2300 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday We can also ask that the new Coeur d'Alene dog park be named for Alfee and his bravery in trying to defend his owner's vehicle against a gun-wielding assailant. Telephone: Parks & Cemetery Information - (208) 769-2252 Urban Forestry - (208) 769-2266 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. E-Mail: parks@cdaid.org Dog park dedication at 9:15 a.m. by Kootenai County Dog Park Association. Includes free photos with your dog. [Hopefully none of the dogs or humans will be shot] http://www.kcdogpark.com/contact Story by Spokesman-Review http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2014/jul/11/arfee-dog-shot-by-cda-officer-was-a-labrador-not/ |
If you ahbor the killing of this innocent dog and the continuing cover up by the Coeur d'Alene Police Chief, please go to the poll at http://www.cdapress.com/
Please answer the poll question
Are you satisfied with Coeur d'Alene's handling of the dog shooting?
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Coeur d'Alene "Dog Shooter on Desk Duty."
Mayor Steve Widmyer
Police Chief Ron Clark
From the Beginning Days of the Tragedy:
"Coeur d'Alene police have not yet responded to a Mail Online request for comment."Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2688154/Pit-bull-shot-dead-van-police-actually-beloved-pet-Labrador-waiting-owner-return-coffee-shop.html#ixzz37De5eWQL
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Thursday, July 10, 2014 the British news outlet Daily Mail covers the story of the beloved dog, waiting in a vehicle, shot by Coeur d'Alene police.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2688154/Pit-bull-shot-dead-van-police-actually-beloved-pet-Labrador-waiting-owner-return-coffee-shop.html#ixzz37DdN9Bvl
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Thursday, July 10, 2013
Jeers and dishonor to the CDAP, the Coeur d'Alene Press and their masters, the CDA Police, who are still working to cover up the truth about the officer-involved shooting of a frightened Lab, Arfie.
(May Arfie rest in peace. Apparently, he was barking and correct that the officer was a danger.)
As of 11:30 pm, well after the CDAP knew that the dog was a Lab, the headlines, or head lies, still report the cover-up "Officer Kills Pitt Bull."
"While investigating the van, as the officer approached along the driver's side, a vicious pit bull lunged from the open driver's side window toward the officer's face, according to a Coeur d'Alene Police press release."
As the story has gone viral, it's painfully clear that:
A, the dog was a lab, not a pit bull
B. the dog couldn't "lunge" at the officer, as the dog was in the car.
The bullet hole went through the car window.
With thoughts going to the Lab, just trying to bark and protect his master's van, thoughts also go to the pathetic liars in the Coeur d'Alene police force and in the Coeur d'Alene Press.
There are many good police officers and journalists in Coeur d'Alene.
But today, the lying bullies are shooting off their mouths, and at least one gun.
The officer who shot the dog had not even checked to see if there were other people, especially children, in the vehicle.
There are calls to boycott Coeur d'Alene, especially after a caller asking about how to keep her dog safe was told not to bring the dog to Coeur d'Alene. Then, people and tourists will take themselves, their family, their dog, and their MONEY to another town.
From the comment section
"In plain terms if the police are willing to miss state the facts when there are no witnesses for fear of public backlash and it involves a dog, what happens when the same set of circumstances occur and its a human being? .... the story reported by the officers involved was not accidental that should make everyone nervous"
Everyone PLEASE keep calling 208-769-2320.
That is central dispatch for the CdA police
Most people are afraid to post comments here and on Facebook for fear of what these CdA thugs may do. A very sad day all around.
God bless those willing to stand and fight - and the witnesses willing to share their story on Facebook, knowing the CdA thugs are out there with guns itching to shoot.
They are "monitoring" social media. Wouldn't it just be easier to not shoot dogs and follow the law?
Lets see how the CDA Press responds... God is watching.
I've been calling the police station and city hall all day - dispatch finally got tired of talking to me and said, "The officer was in fear of his life, he has a right to defend himself".
When I called back and asked what I can do, as a resident, to ensure my dogs don't put "fear into an officer", she said, QUOTE: "Don't bring your dogs to CdA then".
"When Arfie sensed the officer approaching, he jumped up against the window and started barking. The officer claimed he thought the lab was a “vicious” pit bull, and shot off a round of gunshots. Arfie later died from his injuries."
Read more at http://blog.petflow.com/cop-kills-vicious-pit-bull-that-turned-out-to-be-a-2-year-old-lab-puppy/#Ftt0zvTsXhWCK9Mp.99
"I would imagine that the police are lying about the circumstances, they said the dog was hanging out of the window, so why is there a bullet hole through the glass then?? "
"This cop left a hole in both that can't be fixed," Jones wrote on Facebook. "If it wasn't for my desire to face him in court and strip him of his badge, I would probably be at the bottom of the lake."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/idaho-shoots-kills-adorable-black-lab-named-arfee-article-1.1862334#ixzz378jzmI4D
City of Coeur d'Alene
710 E. Mullan Ave
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Phone: 208.769.2300
8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday
Coeur d'Alene Press FINALLY adjusted their original head lie, to rewrite the story of a CDA police officer deviating from SOP and shooting a dog in cold blood. But the stubborn pride of the CDA police again interferes with truth, justice, and the American way. The dog-killer cop is still working for the CDA, and we consider him armed and dangerous.
Since the CDA police are hiding the officer's identify, though he is still working today, it's been up to citizens to begin this petition to release the officer's name. This is not to harass him, or his family, but to follow procedure.
From the Comments:
"SCOTUS has ruled that a “tip” does not constitute reasonable suspicion or probable cause. Therefore, the officers actions to even “check out” the van in a manner with his gun drawn was illegal."
"Yeah, this story is being picked up world wide not only for the shear idiocy of the violence but the cover up fiasco and the total mismanagement of the purpose of the original call. Good work guys - you've spit on your own badges and tarnished this community............. AGAIN!"
"The CDA Resort is promoting it self as dog friendly. They better tell their guests to leave the dogs in the room, locked up, and stay away from away from downtown."
"God bless you Craig Jones. RIP Arfee. Let me be the first to apologize to you on behalf of the residents of CdA....
FOR THE REST OF US - leave your dogs at home! Do not come to CdA! Dog killer is STILL ON THE LOOSE.
What we have is yet another shoot-em-up wild west show where the facts given to the public are twisted into a Green Beret tale of police heroism and the investigation is finger nail deep and totally hidden. And the local newspaper is little more than a megaphone for all of these lies. What a travesty. What a joke.
"Hey Coeur d'Alene police department thanks for ruining the rest of the tourist season by making national headlines with this. "
Eyewitness Account:
PLEASE READ THIS!! Boycott Java On Sherman!!
Eye witness account,
https://m.facebook.com/ story.php... (pulled?)
Kim Mitchell Gustafson
If you go to Java on Sherman, please read this.
Let me tell yeah...this happened right in front of my house and the police AND the owners and workers at Java On Sherman tried to do what I would call a nice little "cover up" on this one. First off, after the cop shot the dog THROUGH the glass on the van (which means the dog was NOT hanging out the window as the cop tried to say) other officers arrived in a few other cara. They called animal control and all walked up to the van, opened the door and loaded the BLACK LAB into the animal control vehicle and then that vehicle left. My roomie was outside questioning and VERY upset at what happened and stated this clearly to one of the officers who CLEARLY, a...fter KNOWING it was a BLACK LAB still claimed it was a "vicious pit bull"!!!!! ALL LIES AND HE KNEW IT! After the officer heard enough of my roomie giving him a piece of his mind the officer returned to his "partners" and the owners and a couple of workers from Java. They talked for maybe two min and the workers went inside and ALL officers left. Now please note that we were shocked because the owner of the vehicle wasnt outside anywhere. Meaning...HELLO...since his van was parked IN THE PARKING LOT OF JAVA ON SHERMAN he is most likely inside, right? So I sat and waited 5 min before a man walked out of the establishment and towards the van. He didnt seen upsey of distraught so I was thinking he must not know. I crossed the street and walked up to him and asked if it was his van. He looked at it and then me and looked puzzled and said "Yes...why"??? My heart dropped as clearly NO ONE....not the owner, no workers, nor the police has bothered to go inside and inform him that his dog was just shot and killed by Cda Police officer through his van window and had been removed and taken away within a twenty or so min period. At this point I had no option but to point to his window to the bullet hole. Needless to say he panicked and asked where his dog was as he ran to the van. Im sure you can imagine the rest. ---- Now this is where it gets even better...ten min later as he is upset and the owners of the property and business are both outside watching from a distance a tow truck pulls up. The owner of the property tells the owner of the van that that it is there for HiS van. The guy pleads to not have this van towed for NO REASON. Mind you...a paying customer of Java simply Inside having breakfast and comes out to this. The owner of the property had the tow truck leave and instructed the owner of the van to leave the property right away. Weird, right? The guy pleads with the owner of the property and explains his dogs blood and brains are inside the van and he doesnt want to leave right away. He also explained he had a couple of beers inside and didn't want to drive. The man said he didnt care and he needed to leave IMMEDIATELY!!!!! The owner than turned to me and pleaded with me to drive him safely to where he was going so I asked the owner of the property to please give me ten min to get the guy and his van out of there. He told me NO WAY....he needed to leave NOW!!!! This is when I lost it and got lippy because of the sheer unjustice of the situation and the way this man was being treated FOR NO REASON!!! I told the man to have a heart and not make this customer sit in his van in the blood and such and also drive after drinking (at this point...not in these words...I was pissed) He grabbed his phone and threatened to call the cops and told us to both get off the property right away! At this point the driver of the van got in and drove away and I crossed the street to my house and shouted to him how cruel and cold hearted he was. --- Now again...why did no one locate him Inside and tell him? They all just removed his dead dog they had shot and killed and then left. And the owners tried to have the van towed right away? REALLY? They didnt want media attention apparently. Well screw that!!!! Please EVERYONE share, share, share this!!!!! Let the TRUTH speak to help prevent this from happening as if it is all okay!!!!
Eye witness account,
Kim Mitchell Gustafson
If you go to Java on Sherman, please read this.
Let me tell yeah...this happened right in front of my house and the police AND the owners and workers at Java On Sherman tried to do what I would call a nice little "cover up" on this one. First off, after the cop shot the dog THROUGH the glass on the van (which means the dog was NOT hanging out the window as the cop tried to say) other officers arrived in a few other cara. They called animal control and all walked up to the van, opened the door and loaded the BLACK LAB into the animal control vehicle and then that vehicle left. My roomie was outside questioning and VERY upset at what happened and stated this clearly to one of the officers who CLEARLY, a...fter KNOWING it was a BLACK LAB still claimed it was a "vicious pit bull"!!!!! ALL LIES AND HE KNEW IT! After the officer heard enough of my roomie giving him a piece of his mind the officer returned to his "partners" and the owners and a couple of workers from Java. They talked for maybe two min and the workers went inside and ALL officers left. Now please note that we were shocked because the owner of the vehicle wasnt outside anywhere. Meaning...HELLO...since his van was parked IN THE PARKING LOT OF JAVA ON SHERMAN he is most likely inside, right? So I sat and waited 5 min before a man walked out of the establishment and towards the van. He didnt seen upsey of distraught so I was thinking he must not know. I crossed the street and walked up to him and asked if it was his van. He looked at it and then me and looked puzzled and said "Yes...why"??? My heart dropped as clearly NO ONE....not the owner, no workers, nor the police has bothered to go inside and inform him that his dog was just shot and killed by Cda Police officer through his van window and had been removed and taken away within a twenty or so min period. At this point I had no option but to point to his window to the bullet hole. Needless to say he panicked and asked where his dog was as he ran to the van. Im sure you can imagine the rest. ---- Now this is where it gets even better...ten min later as he is upset and the owners of the property and business are both outside watching from a distance a tow truck pulls up. The owner of the property tells the owner of the van that that it is there for HiS van. The guy pleads to not have this van towed for NO REASON. Mind you...a paying customer of Java simply Inside having breakfast and comes out to this. The owner of the property had the tow truck leave and instructed the owner of the van to leave the property right away. Weird, right? The guy pleads with the owner of the property and explains his dogs blood and brains are inside the van and he doesnt want to leave right away. He also explained he had a couple of beers inside and didn't want to drive. The man said he didnt care and he needed to leave IMMEDIATELY!!!!! The owner than turned to me and pleaded with me to drive him safely to where he was going so I asked the owner of the property to please give me ten min to get the guy and his van out of there. He told me NO WAY....he needed to leave NOW!!!! This is when I lost it and got lippy because of the sheer unjustice of the situation and the way this man was being treated FOR NO REASON!!! I told the man to have a heart and not make this customer sit in his van in the blood and such and also drive after drinking (at this point...not in these words...I was pissed) He grabbed his phone and threatened to call the cops and told us to both get off the property right away! At this point the driver of the van got in and drove away and I crossed the street to my house and shouted to him how cruel and cold hearted he was. --- Now again...why did no one locate him Inside and tell him? They all just removed his dead dog they had shot and killed and then left. And the owners tried to have the van towed right away? REALLY? They didnt want media attention apparently. Well screw that!!!! Please EVERYONE share, share, share this!!!!! Let the TRUTH speak to help prevent this from happening as if it is all okay!!!!
2014-1214 Arfee the Black Lab
Saturday, July 12, 2014 UPDATE the Java owner’s side
Java owners discuss incident
KEITH COUSINS/kcousins@cdapress.com | Posted: Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:00 am
"The officer took my name, my birthday and my phone number and then instructed me to call the tow company if I wanted the car to be removed," David said. "He did not mention that they had discharged a weapon, killed a dog, and removed a dog from the vehicle. They did not mention that this is not the van that they were looking for. They just said that they were packing up and leaving, and basically let me deal with the ramifications of what would happen afterward."
From the comments
Dang it! My animal loving children will never let me have a Bowl of Soul again..... Anybody have the recipe?
“The cops killed a dog and a business with one shot. Sounds like two lawsuits.”
"... the police think they are the military, they think the public is the 'enemy', and whatever town they are in is the 'theater'. Rather than 'protect and serve' they now think their role is to keep us (the enemy) in line through intimidation fear. More and more people are realizing this, but we didn't all realize it at the same time."
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