News from World Can't Wait July 9, 2014 Please share A hearty "thank you" to Courage to Resist, which just issued a call to "all U.S. military personnel to resist any effort to pursue a new military attack on Iraq via troops, bombs, drones or any other means. In keeping with our Mission Statement, we affirm that, just as there was never any legitimate reason for the United States to send military forces to Iraq in the past, there is not now any reason for the United States to participate militarily in the affairs of the people of Iraq." It is absolutely essential to put before the US public the need for visible resistance to US re-escalation and occupation of Iraq. Drone Memo Concentrates What's Not Legit about US Targeted Killing by Debra Sweet
"Now, drones have been deployed by the U.S. in Iraq, as part of what Foreign Policy magazine warns of as 'mission creep.' Going over ten years of the Pakistan campaign, it points out that the drone strikes were at first said to be used only on 'senior level al Qaeda' who posed an immediate threat to the U.S. homeland. But, 'the CIA's estimated 372 drone strikes in Pakistan, which killed some 2,800 people, a vast majority were not an effort to eliminate senior al Qaeda members who pose a threat to the U.S. homeland -- which was the very reason armed drones were sent there in the first place.
"It warns that in Iraq, 'in addition to the 300 U.S. military and intelligence advisors that President Obama sent in June, there are roughly 1,000-1,700 additional private security contractors in Iraq, according to advisors to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Thus, U.S. armed drones could be providing force protection for up to 2,000 people over an area of hundreds of square miles,' and that there is 'sustained confusion' over what mission these drones could be deployed in." In a most bizarre twist, the Dean of Morgan State University's Journalism school suggested sending the children to Guantanamo because there's a lot of empty space there. NO! Close that torture camp now. But on July 4, and since, immigration rights supporters showed up in equal and larger numbers. Revolution reported
"People came to the immigration detention center in Murrieta from all over Southern California and beyond on the 4th of July to insist that the children with and without parents flooding across the border in Texas be treated humanely, with care and concern, and not as animals or criminals. And they came to challenge and confront the reactionaries whose ugly anti-immigrant xenophobia and pro-USA chauvinism has been given center stage in the national—and international—news all week...
"A high school student, dressed in white, told Revolution she had set up an event page on Facebook calling on friends to come dressed in white, and to march silently from the Wal-Mart a half mile away to the detention center. Though she was only familiar with a couple of her new 'virtual' friends, 30 people showed up for the July 4th march!
"A number of people from Murrieta came to oppose the racists. Two sisters from Murrieta—one in high school, the other in college with a young daughter—came together, carrying two handmade signs that each said: 'Our Land Is Your Land. Bienvenidos!' over a rippling American flag. They had first come to the detention center on Tuesday after hearing that anti-immigrant forces were out there."
A few photos capture a little of the chaotic and very political scene, which has continued for days. A very popular Tweet: |
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Outrageous: Torture Lawyer John Yoo Given Endowed Chair by UC Berkeley Law SchoolCaricature credit: DonkeyHotey Curt Wechsler writes on
The selection of John Yoo to fill an endowed faculty chair at Boalt Hall has raised righteous indignation across the board, from academics to un-credentialed people of conscience. The appointment represents a huge leap in institutional complicity in war crimes. Where neglect in enforcement of ethical conduct was excused by platitudes of powerlessness from the former dean, the current administration (new Dean, new Chancellor) appears to embrace the politics of exceptionalism: that international law may be selectively employed. Indeed, promotion of John Yoo's hyperbole has helped to normalize illegal government policy on what might be better labelled a "war of terror."
Since Yoo returned to the University of California Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law to teach, there have been years of protest about his authorship of specific White House memos providing legal justication for "enhanced interrogation." That memo's contents were put to use within hours to waterboard prisoners in Guantanamo in 2002. Criticism from within the law school has been private and muted, as he's been a key part of the post 9/11 adoption of torture and indefinite detention, and even though the torture camp remains populated by a majority of "cleared for release" prisoners without hope after 12.5 years.Yoo's public role continues to grow as he promotes expanded Presidential powers, increased state surveillance, and targeted killing, and everything else that is favored by the neocons and effectively executed by the Democrats. He is a heavily featured speaker on the state security lecture circuit. Although World Can't Wait's projects and WarCrimina This fall is the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement that erupted at Berkeley in 1964 and opened up resistance to arbitrary authority across the country and for a generation. Will the university be allowed to co-opt that movement, or will we challenge everyone to reject the university model of supporting the status quo? We seek your thoughts as to how we might mount an effective public campaign sanctioning U.C. for its complicity and, at a minimum, deplorable lack of ethical judgment evident in this appointment, while at the same time parlay such a campaign into an effective condemnation of the so-called "legal" justification for the use of torture and for Guantanamo's legitimacy. Write me with your rants, proposals, poems, articles. And please share this news with anyone you know who has a connection to UC Berkeley or the UC system. | |||||
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait |
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
World Can't Wait News July 9, 2014
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