Monday, October 7, 2013

Million Vets Plan to March on the Memorials in D.C. and throughout US, Sunday, October 13, 2013

Get Involved: Million Vet March Slated To Voice Disgust Over Government Closing Of Veteran Memorials
October 7, 2013 by  
If news of the Federal government’s illogical barricading of military memorials to make a point over the government shutdown made you angry, an event taking place Sunday throughout the Nation will give you a chance to vent your frustrations over the Feds’ actions.
A recently-created Facebook page
We are all military brats, current and former military spouses and some veterans.  We cannot express how utterly disappointed we were that our Greatest Generation were being used as political pawns in the ongoing government shutdown and budget crisis.  This should never be the case.
We do not care what political leanings you may be; be it liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent or whatever.  The actions of the U.S. government this week with regard to barricading and shutting down the World War II Memorial to veterans, that may or may not be on their last trip to Washington DC, is a despicable act of cowardice.
Veterans this week were unwillingly pitted as pawns in this crisis.  We feel that this should never be the case.  This is why we will go to Congress after the budget crisis and ask for a bill to be introduced that would prevent any member of the government from closing our memorials down to any American, except for maintenance purposes.  In the meantime, we will have our March in Washington DC on October 13th!  Our veterans deserve that!
Many in our group have decided that enough is enough.  We are Americans.  We are proud of our heritage and our service.  As all of us were military brats and spouses, we have served in some form or another our entire lives.  This is our way of life.  We will not stand by and let the U.S. government dishonor the legacy of sacrifice of the generations before us.  It is time to make a stand!  We hope that you will join us in our peaceful rally against anti-American policies.  It doesn’t take anything other that!
list of rallying points throughout the Nation here
petition demanding that the Federal government reopen veteran memorials here. 

The Petition

We, the American people and honored veterans are
outraged by the senseless closure of our national war memorials. We understand that many of these memorials are open 24 hours per day, seven days per week with little or no staffing and were paid for with tax payer funds.

We have a right to visit these sacred places and pay respects to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

We are outraged that our Vets have had to "storm" their own war
memorials - monuments that were already paid for with their blood,
sweat and tears.

Our memorials are supposed to be places of peaceful, solemn reflection. They should not be places that our veterans have to fight to enter.

We demand that the memorials be re-opened, and that Congress introduce legislation forbidding the shutdown of these memorials during any budget disputes.

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