Friday, October 25, 2013

The US Fish and Wildlife Service public comment period on wolf delisting is closing Oct 28, 2013.

"Delisting the wolf from Endangered Species status will not only cause more and worse slaughter of wolves, but is evidence of the complete unecological 'management' practices of the federal government and their bid to turn these practices over to the states."

Please remember that The US Fish and Wildlife Service public comment period on wolf delisting is closing Oct 28, 2013.
Sign as many petitions as you can (
and also consider commenting online at
Delisting the wolf from Endangered Species status will not only cause more and worse slaughter of wolves, but is evidence of the complete unecological 'management' practices of the federal government and their bid to turn these practices over to the states. This would be disastrous for the recovery of the wolf in the the US, a tragedy of such import that we cannot imagine the breadth of its significance yet. Imagine a world without wolves. How barren and empty that world would be.
Please sign, please speak out. This must not happen.
Thank you, Carol

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