Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pen Phone Calls to Congress : Constitution and Bill of Rights Trump nsa mass surveillance

Constitution and Bill of Rights Trump nsa mass surveillance

Here's a communication from PEN

Dear Friends and Activists,

Notwithstanding the couple thousand valiant activists who submitted
our last action page on this, perhaps everyone missed that we also
just opened up a page on the new People Lobby resource to protest by
phone to members of Congress and the related committees about NSA
mass data collection.

Stop NSA Mass Surveillance with The People Lobby:

PLEASE pick up a phone and make a couple toll-free calls to tell our
legislators to save the 4th Amendment. If you have not already gotten
set up on the new site, anyone who has can tell you how easy it is.
Using this new tool we can make a public record of what our members
of Congress are saying in response to our phone advocacy. We have
already had a real impact using it in the Trans Pacific Partnership

And if you can't make any phone calls yourself, at least make sure
you have submitted our regular easy action page on this.

Stop NSA Mass Surveillance Action Page:

We are still sending out our beautiful new "Don't Spy On Us" bumper
stickers to anyone who requests one, and there is no contribution
required, not even shipping. Of course, if you can make a donation of
any amount, this is what makes it possible for us to send free
stickers to anyone who cannot afford to make a contribution right

Don't Spy On Us bumper stickers:

It is appalling to us some of the email we have received on this
issue. There are actually people who say, "I'm not a terrorist, why
should I worry?"

Well, we'll tell you why. The FBI spent years spying on Martin Luther
King, and then actually tried to blackmail him over his non-criminal
marital indiscretions. When government seizes this kind of power it
ALWAYS ends up being used for POLITICAL purposes.

Now they are spying like that on EVERYONE. If Paul Revere were alive
today, he would be on his horse right now, "The NSA is coming, the
NSA is coming!" Except, they are here already.

We were astonished when the RNC came out the other day with a
statement in opposition to the NSA gross abuses. So where are the
voices of most of the liberals and progressives in this country? If
Dick Cheney were president today, and doing exactly what we know is
going on now, you all would be screaming at the top of your lungs.
And you know it.

It is a lie that they are not listening to our phone calls. They are
doing worse than that. They are recording and storing everything. The
new 2 billion dollar data center in Utah is conservatively estimated
to have a capacity of 12 exabytes ALREADY. That's 12 million 1
terabyte hard drives, which if they were stacked atop one another
would reach 189 miles into space, almost to the orbit of the
international space station.

That represents 50 years of the recorded content of every phone call
made in the US. The metadata is just the tip of the iceberg. There is
no excuse for developing this kind of storage capacity for any other
reason except the mass collection of all electronic data.

We actually got one email from someone today naive enough to think
that we can work on other issues, not bothering with this one. If the
government has the power to target and persecute people on a
political basis, all real possibilities of progressive policy change
are foreclosed. Without decisive action on this there is no other

And the worst part of it is that none of this is making us safer in
any way. The government just admitted in Court that not a single
terrorist plot as been foiled by all this mass surveillance. If
anything, it results in real threats been missed in the mammoth
haystack if irrelevant data. It makes the totalitarians safer, from
accountability, NOT the American people.

Whether you speak out in protest or not, they are still listening.
They are still recording and storing everything. So you might as well
speak out affirmatively. And whether or not you personally trust the
smiley president of the moment, despite all the compelling evidence
that you cannot, a slight shift of the political winds puts us all in
the crosshairs of the most authoritarian dictator you can imagine.

This is no joke. For crying out loud, even the RNC is starting to get
it. We'll ask it again, what is wrong with the rest of us?

You may forward this message to any friends who would find it

Contributions to The People's Email Network are not tax-deductible
for federal income tax purposes.

If you would like to be added to our distribution list, go to

Or if don't want to receive our messages, just go to


From the UK's Daily Mail, Why Have Two American Bankers Killed Themselves in the Past Two Days? Jan. 29, 2014

UPDATE: Third American banker dies: January 29 or 30th, 2014

"[Mike] Dueker’s death comes days after the company that owns Seattle-based Russell Investments said that a sale of Russell is being considered."

"A third banker has committed suicide within the space of a week, once again prompting speculation that some kind of financial collapse could be just around the corner."
“Mike Dueker, the chief economist at Russell Investments, was found dead at the side of a highway that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state"
Holy Shit...Russell Indexes Chief Economist Commits Suicide.
The Daily Paradise editorial paragraph:
There is speculation in the posts about the three deaths foretelling a financial loss.
Others speculate that the bankers did not die suicides, but were "suicided" [murdered].
Probably just a coincidence that some of the psycho-public servants have ordered potasium iodine, for nuclear disasters? Anyway, stocking up on food, water, proper clothing for cold weather, is always a good idea.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
From the UK's Daily Mail, the info about two American bankers who have killed themselves in the past two days. "Two top American bankers commit suicide in London as one jumps 500ft to his death from JP Morgan skyscraper and another hangs himself in luxury home"

From The Economic Collapse Blog:
"Bankers committing suicide by jumping from the rooftops of their own banks is something that we think of when we think of the Great Depression.  Well, it just happened in London, England.  A vice president at JPMorgan's European headquarters in London plunged to his death after jumping from the top of the 33rd floor...This comes on the heels of news that a former Deutsche Bank executive was found hanged in his home in London on Sunday.

"A bank executive who died after jumping 500ft from the top of JP Morgan's European headquarters in London this morning has been named as Gabriel Magee...vice president in the corporate and investment bank technology department having joined in 2004, moving to Britain from the United States in 2007."
"Mr Broeksmit - who retired last February - was a former senior manager with close ties to co-chief executive Anshu Jain. Metropolitan Police officers said his death was declared as non-suspicious."

Who knows what's happening?
It might not be a bad idea to stock up a bit on food.
Chickens are wonderful pets, and provide food.

From the posts on the Bizjornal
We are saddened to learn of yet another death by suicide. Prayers go out to Mr. Dueker's family.
~If you or someone you know is struggling with crisis... please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
ST Katz
Board member - WA chapter
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Obama's State of Dis-Union Address displays his contempt for US.Jan. 29, 2014

via Paul Joseph Watson
January 29, 2014

Barack Obama plagiarized portions of his State of the Union speech from George W. Bush’s 2007 address, according to former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen.

Obama's State of Dis-Union Address displays his contempt for US.
Transcript of the speech:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

State of Dis Union : Government Servants Turning on US Tuesday January 28, 2014

Tonight, the Daily Paradise is running this commentary from The World Can't Wait:

"Observing tonight's messages from the President and several Republicans providing what we are told is the "other" side, we ought to step back, look at this as the outsiders we are, and ask questions:

? Why should Edward Snowden, who did humanity the service of exposing the vast surveillance of the NSA, be subject to threats of assasination by US intelligence officials, while the President asserts his intention to continue the programs?
Ray McGovern Discusses Threats to Edward Snowden
Full interview with Snowden on German TV
The US Government: "Everyone's a Suspect"

? Why should the people of Afghanistan, and those refugees along the border of Pakistan, who form one of the poorest populations on the globe — after 12 years of U.S. occupation — be subjected to another twelve years of U.S. miltiary occupation?  Is the new agreement primarily to provide secure bases for U.S. secret black ops and targeted assassinations via drone?
More Than 2,400 Dead as Obama’s Drone Campaign Marks Five Years
Afghanistan Exit is Seen as Peril to C.I.A. Drone Mission

? Why should the men held already for twelve years in the torture camp at Guantanamo be held any longer without knowing if they will ever see their loved ones again, as the U.S. extends its need for a place it can openly flaunt international law on the rights of prisoners?
DOJ: Feinstein’s Committee Controls Torture Report; Has Final Say Over Public Release

There are many more questions to ask by people who are concerned about humanity and the planet. The Obama administration has its social media apparatus highly geared up tonight; certainly the Fox News crew will do the same. Undoubtedly, they'll direct people to think only very narrowly about what is in their interests.

We should use our energies and experience to ask the right questions, loudly, and challenge the government as we find the answers."

Deranged Psychopaths in US Government Want Life in Jail for 83 Year Old Sister Megan Rice for Sabatoge

The British news organization, The Guardian, runs the story of a non-violent protestor.
The American news organizations, owned by the 1%, are running stories of grammies.

"Rice was charged with federal sabotage, along with co-defendants Greg Boertje-Obed, 57, a carpenter, and Michael Walli, 64, a Vietnam veteran, for breaking into the Y-12 nuclear facility in Oak Ridge, and they will learn their fate on Tuesday when they appear before Judge Amul Thapar in a federal court in Knoxville, to be sentenced."
in Knoxville via,

Here's more from the Transform Now Plowshares webpage:

"The message of the Transform Now Plowshares action was delivered in the early morning hours of July 28, 2012, when Walli, Boertje-Obed and Rice entered the ultra-high security area of Y12 and read an indictment charging the United States with failure to comply with its legal obligations under the Nonproliferation Treaty. The opening paragraphs read:"

“Today, through our nonviolent action, we—Transform Now Plowshares—indict the U.S. government nuclear modernization program, including the new Uranium Processing Facility planned at Oak Ridge and the dedication of billions of public dollars to the continuation of the Y-12 facility.

“WHEREAS, This program is an ongoing criminal endeavor in violation of international treaty law binding on the United States under the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article VI):

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

The indictment delivered that morning was validated by U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark who testified at a motions hearing in federal court in Knoxville that ongoing weapon production activities at Y12 in Oak Ridge are “unlawful.” Clark, Attorney General when the United States signed the Nonproliferation Treaty, testified the US has failed to meet its legal obligations under that treaty and cited the 1996 opinion of the International Court of Justice that nuclear weapons states have an obligation to achieve nuclear disarmament. “It’s the single most important treaty we have ever had,” Clark told the court, adding, “The life of the planet is at risk from the one plant here in Tennessee.”

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
UPDATE: Sentencing is delayed due to winter storm.
"The three [Walli, Boertje-Obed and Rice] were convicted of sabotage last year after they broke into the nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee The restitution covers damage incurred at the plant when the three cut through fences and painted slogans on the outside wall of the uranium processing plant there."

The Daily Paradise Editorial Comment:
Again, it seems these three protesters should receive a reward for showing US that three senior citizens could simply cut through fences around a nuclear weapons plant. This action shows that the nuclear weapons plant is not secure nor safe!

Everyone knows that nukes = death.
We no longer have any reason for nuke plants or weapons.
Like Snowden, this woman has taken a brave stand.
The deranged psychopaths in the US government who are nuking US with radiating body scanners at airports, with denial of the Fukushima radiation hitting US, and with pumping out radioactivity from nuclear plants, these are the people who belong in jail.