Sunday, September 30, 2012

Washington Wolves Mirrored in The Ohio Lodge by Tony Fitzpatrick

Washington Wolves Mirrored in The Ohio Lodge by Tony Fitzpatrick
Via John Cusack's My Space:

It's writing describing a man who had just shot a deer, which he needed for food, being unemployed. Here is what he saw when he walked up to the dead deer, a doe:

"...he realized she was staring right at him, her eyes large and liquid, unblinking pools of black just boring into him from the snow...She kept staring. He turned his back and fished in his pocket for a cigarette. He lit it and felt the doe’s eyes on his back."

The man feels guilt, even though he needed the food.

This story seems to apply to the events during the last week of September 2012 in Washington State, when the tyranny of one rancher, added to the stupidity of people who pass as officials for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, who subverted their position from conservation to destruction of endangered wolves.

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife liars and lunatics who sponsored the state-funded killing of a wolf family, there is no excuse. May the people who caused the deaths of the wolf family feel the eyes of the dead wolves staring on their backs. The wolves are dead, but the wolf spirits are not dead, and they will find ways to avenge the loss of an entire wolf family.

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