Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl Security Theatre Curtain Pulled Open by 911 Truther February 2, 3014

"Prior to the big game, authorities boasted of their lavish preparations for Super Bowl 2014 – bomb sniffing dogs, 700 extra troopers, a 24-hour FBI command center, a vast network of surveillance cameras, the ‘See Something, Say Something’ snitch program in full force, TSA agents, snipers, no fly zones, helicopter patrols.
The bill for all this – which ran into tens of millions of dollars – was paid for by taxpayers despite the NFL already getting a sales tax break at a further cost of $8 million to residents of New Jersey. Also remember that the NFL is tax exempt and pays no federal income tax on its vast profits.
However, 30-year-old Matthew Mills made a mockery of all this when he crashed a post-game press conference to tell the viewing millions that the 9/11 attacks were, “perpetrated by people in our own government,” urging them to “investigate 9/11,” before being dragged away."

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