Saturday, April 14, 2012

Severe Weather Warnings for Midwest from South to North

Saturday, April 14, 2012, Dutchsince has just posted a severe weather warning due to HAARP activity from ground-based stations run, apparantly, by our own US government, in an effort to play Zeus throwing thunderbolts and storms at mortals. The trouble is, this is not a Greek myth, and real people in the US are suffering and dying from the US government's HAARP playing.

Dutchsince writes:

"A number of ground based stations are emitting HF signals again. Midwest, North, and South USA are the areas now effected. I believe this is a form of geometric modulation performed via NEXRAD towers….. I believe it induces or accentuates unformed / currently forming storms."

Check out Dutch's many, many presentations of the appearance of HAARP rings on his site, along with today's warnings in his posting, "4/14/2012 — Circle Sweep , Sawtooth Sweep , Rectangle Wave , and Scalar Square outbreak = severe in 24-48 at shown towns."

Dutch lists warnings of resulting severe weather in Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. Given Dutch's reluctant rate of success in following the US government's HAARP playing and the resulting injuries, death, and destruction in 24 to 48 hours after the HAARP playing, it's always a good idea, as Dutch mentions, to have a plan that involves shelter, food, water, personal protection, transportation, and communication.

We can also try to contact the out-to-lunch US Congress, president, courts, to ask and demand that the US government immediately end the weather and disaster attack on US. Yes, perhaps there are those in the US government who make note of US citizens who protest HAARP. Yet, the out-to-lunch government officials who allow these attacks on US citizens are also noted by US.

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