Monday, January 21, 2013

Obama and CIA Inaugurate More Drone Attacks without Responsibility January 20, 2013

Obama was elected by many Americans due to his promise to end torture, to close Guantanamo Bay, and restore civil liberties for all. Obama has reneged on his promise, and remains a renegade in ignoring the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

CIA to Exempt Strikes on Pakistan from Drones Codification - Reports. By Ed Pilkington. The Guardian. Sunday, January 20, 2013.

"But to the dismay of civil liberties campaigners, over the past four years he has moved instead to institutionalize and set into US law many of these dubious practices."

Obama's choice to install Bush's friend in high CIA places, John Brennan cements Obama's decision to continue death and tyranny as policies for US, due to Brennan's "under George W Bush at a time when torture was used on terror suspects and because of his fondness for drone strikes."

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