Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Vaccines for Kids in Africa Lead to Paralysis for 40 to 50 of 500 Kids December 20, 2012

Vaccines sit in the bulls eye, as the Gates Foundation supported a tragic fiasco again linked to vaccines. This time the vaccine is "MenAfriVac"brought to a small village in Chad, in Africa. Instead of helping the village prevent disease such as meningitis with fresh wells, the meningitis vaccine was pushed by the Meningitis Vaccine Project, made up of World Health Organization and Path, US Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, UNICIF. The result within 24 hours was vomiting, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis for over 40 children out of 500 shot with the vaccine.

500 Kids Shot with MenAfricVac on December 20, 2013

In a small village in Chad, in Africa, 500 kids were shot with a meningitis vaccine sponsored by the Meningitis Vaccine Project and supported by the WHO, PATH, US FDA, CDC, NIBSC, and UNICEF. Within 24 hours, an estimated 40 to 50 kids were down with vomiting and convulsions ending in paralysis. Parents immediately notified officials, who continued to shoot other kids with the vaccine and who attempted a media blackout of the tragedy.

Activist Post by Christina England Reports Minimum of 40 Children Paralyzed After New Meningitis Vaccine January 8, 2013

Christina England wrote in her article first published on VacTruth Jan. 6, 2013:
"Since this report, the true extent of this tragedy is coming to light, as parents of these vaccinated children have reported yet more injuries. The authorities in the area are shaken, as citizens set fire to a sanitary administration vehicle in a demonstration of their frustration and anger at the government’s negligence.[1]"
England asks hard questions: Why is there only silence from Bill and Melinda Gates and their sponsoring foundation? Why is ther only silence from WHO, PATH, UNICEF, and the other sponsoring and supporting organizations?

Most importantly, why not spend $3000 for better wells and fresh water for the villagers? Why spend over $500 million for vaccines?

Meningitis Vaccine Project Home Page Ignores Paralyzed Kids

As of the date of this post, January 23, 2013, the Meningitis Vaccine Project home page headline was last posted in November 2013. The out-dated photo only shows a smiling child in Africa being shot with a vaccine that has caused paralysis in 40 to 50 out of 500 kids in an African village in Chad. There is no headline to warn people of the shocking reports of 40-50 kids paralyzed from the vaccine. The sidebar "News and Event" regards the MenAfriVac "campaign" and includes two statements made by Officials in Chad. There is no mention in these statements of the severity of the kids' reactions to obviously poisonous vaccines shot into the kids.

Journal Du Chad Reports Meningitis Vaccine Caused Casualties within 24 Hours, in an article dated Jan. 10, 2013

On January 10, 2013 the Journal Du Chad published an article titled Chad: A Vaccine Against Meningitis Caused Casualties, with news of 50 people who received the vaccine were rushed to the Hospital of the Mother and Child and the General Hospital National Reference. [3]"

"Touted as a preventive cure for meningitis, MenAfriVac reportedly caused each of the children, some of whom were as young as seven, to suffer hallucinations, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis … the horrific side effects of MenAfriVac began to appear within 24 hours of its administration."

Meningitis Vaccine Project Statement: Vaccination Campaign in Gouro, Chad, statement released January 10, 2013.

The Meningitis Vaccine Project apparently did not release any timely statement regarding the kids paralyzed from the vaccine shot in December 2013. Instead, the MVP only responded weeks later, prompted by a news story, not by listening to reports of the poisoning fiasco. The statement includes no mention of the paralyzing results to a large percentage of kids who were shot with the vaccine in the village.

Here is the MVP statement:

"Ferney-Voltaire, 10 January 2013 - The Meningitis Vaccine Project learned of the story published in the Chadian weekly La Voix regarding the MenAfriVac vaccine that was introduced in Gouro in December 2012. On behalf of our global partners, we wish to emphasize that we take every MenAfriVac-related report very seriously. An investigation team is on the ground in Chad to explore what caused these statements. All available data point to the high safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. We believe that the investigation in Chad will shed light on the exact circumstances that caused the publication of the article in La Voix. We will make the information public as the scientific reports become available."

VacTruth Reports Paralyzed Kids on January 13, 2013

"40 of 500 children who had been vaccinated against meningitis are victims of paralysis since December 20th. Population is angry with the authorities while physicians want a deep diagnosis."

Christina England of VacTruth reported the tragedy on January 6th and again January 13, 2013. Her investigations uncovered some of the following pieces to the situation:

that the Gates Foundation funds "MenAfriVac," a vaccine without proper licensing

that the vaccine was stored at 40 degrees C when the manufacturer, Serum Institute of India, instructed the vaccine to be kept at 2-8 degrees C

that when the children began vomiting, convulsing, and entering paralysis after receiving the vaccine, that the sponsoring organizations did nothing, but continued to inject kids with the vaccine, even after parents reported the tragedy in progress.

Official Response from Republic of Chad, Jan. 21, 2013, Blames Victims

Here is an official response from the Republic of Chad on January 21, 2013. The response doesn't mention the word "paralyzed," instead relying on the euphamism "unusual reactions." The officials do cast blame or attribution on the public and the victims themselves:

"The crises are trigged by noise, visits by foreigners, and the occurence of crises among other patients. Apart from these agitated periods, the children lead normal lives...The symptoms observed in patients are similar to...collective hysteria, collective obsessive behavior, mass psychogenic phenomenon."

Republic of Chad State Office Ministry of Public Health. Second Statement from the Government. January 21, 2013.

Learn more:

From the Forums:
"Have you seen the movie 'Constant Gardener'? Highly recommend it. real eye opener...stuff big pharma...corrupt asholes. money is all that matters not health.

References from Christina England's report


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