Thursday, June 6, 2013

Despite oobama's pledge to close Gitmo, the Un-Constitutional Prison Still Encloses Innocent People Whom oobama Denied Due Process

If government servants are claiming the right to imprison people without trial, without evidence, and with torturous conditions, then the government servants could decide to imprison US.

"The hunger strike grows for two reasons: the military's refusal to negotiate with the men in a productive way and because the president has taken no action in spite of his words," said Carlos Warner, a lawyer who represents several of the detainees on strike.

Guantánamo Bay hunger strike: quarter of inmates now being force-fed. Written by Paul Harris, New York. Published in The Guardian. UK. Thursday, June 06, 2013. front:network-front main-3 Main trailblock:Network front - main trailblock:Position2

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