Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bradley Manning On Trial for Telling US the Truth : What Will Come from US? June 4, 2013

Bradley Manning is a US soldier who put love of humanity above slavish obedience to immoral orders. If a man who shows US the wrongness of the actions in Iraq is being persecuted by the US government, then we are all in deep trouble, and the murdering actions can be directed to US.

"If we view the war in Iraq as a murderous failure, entered into with lies and kept going by a refusal to admit our wrongs, the soldiers' fidelity to their mission looks different. The loyal soldiers become gears in a terrible machine beyond their control."

"Bradley Manning and US: A Soldier for Truth on Trial." By Molly Crabapple. Creative Time Reports. Published on The Guardian. Monday, May 03, 2013.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jun/03/bradley-manning-soldier-truth-trial?guni=Network front:network-front main-3 Main trailblock:Network front - main trailblock:Position2:sublinks

Revolution Newspaper wrote the following on May 24, 2013, as presented on The World Can't Wait:
"High Stakes in the Cruel and Unjust Trial of Bradley Manning."
“This system is out to inflict extreme punishment on Bradley Manning—to jail him for a long time, perhaps life, and to use this cruel punishment of a brave person as an example to anyone else who would dare expose the crimes of empire."

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