Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Doormats for Tyranny: Ignoring Chemtrails in Plain Sight

Today is an editorial. In eastern Washington state this morning, Wednesday, May 09, 2012, residents woke up to beautiful clear blue skies, warm weather, and a light wind. Yet, hardly had the day begun before jets high in the sky began spraying chemtrails. All through the day, as people were trying to enjoy the spring day and trees in blossom, there were more and more chemtrails being laid and spreading. By early afternoon, the blue sky was all but gone, replaced by a glaring white haze.

Many people go about their lives, shopping or watching their kids play baseball, or going running. How can people ignore the clear evidence right above their heads that something is wrong? How can the evening newscasters, with bright smiles, talk about the nice day and ignore the poisonous chemtrails?

This is the day that "Doormats to Tyranny" came to me. Many people are learning about chemtrails, yet don't know how to stop them. Stopping the chemtrails seems impossible. Where do these planes come from? Are they from the local Fairchild Air Force Base? Are they from far-away bases?

Who are these pilots who agree to spray poison into our air?

While these questions seem impossible to answer, the key word is "seem." The planes, pilots, chemtrails, and negative effects of the chemicals are real. Therefore, we can stop them.

Begin by learning about them.
Here's a link:
If you don't like this link, or don't believe it, try another one.
There are many others. Just run a search for "chemtrails."
Then we must hound our local city hall, state government, and federal government to stop the cheming of US and our kids.

To do nothing is to give up our free will, to give up our human-ness, and to lie down, to lie to ourselves and others, and become nothing more than Doormats for Tyranny.

Are we humans or are we mats for tyrants to wipe their feet on?
Are we humans who care about ourselves and our kids?
Or are we Doormats for Tyrants to wipe their feet on us and our kids?


  1. yes we saw them and gave video. they are from fairchild

  2. Thanks for the info about the origin of the planes.
