Saturday, May 26, 2012

TSA Philadelphia Airport Hires Pedophile X-Priest, Defrocked for Child Abuse

End the TSA completely. Call local, state, and federal servants to demand that they adhere to the Constitution of the United States and to the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. These are the Law of the Land!

by SNAPJudy May 25, 2012 4:24 PM EDT

"TSA is not a safe environment for a child predator to be working, He is too assessable to kids.
We hope that anyone who may have knowledge or who may have been harmed ... will have the courage to contact the police...keep in mind your silence only hurts..."

Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Associate Director, 636-433-2511

"I-Team: Priest Removed from Ministry Due to Sex Abuse Allegations Now Works at Philadelphia International Airport. " By Ben Simmoneau. Philadelphia (CBC 3 I-Team). May 24, 2012.

According to the report, "The security checkpoint between Terminals D and E is a busy place where thousands of people – including lots of kids – pass through every day. But you might not believe who the I-Team observed working as a TSA supervisor at that checkpoint this week: Thomas Harkins."

Harkins was a priest with various dioceses in New Jersey, but was removed for molesting at least two female children.

Here is a photo of Harkins at work at the Philly International Airport, as a TSA supervisor.
"Priest Busted for Sex Abuse Ten Years Ago Now Working for the TSA at Philly Airport." By Rheana Murry. New York Daily News. Published Friday., May 25 and updated Saturday May 26, 2012

Here is another photo of Harkins, in the vicinity of the naked body scanners, where he is able to view the naked images of children from the radiating body scanners.
"Ex-Priest Accused of Child Abuse Gets Job with TSA." By Anne Sewell. Digital Journal. May 26, 2012.

The Courier Post Online published a May 17, 2012 article by Jim Walsh, which outlines the latest lawsuit.

Profiles of 25 Priests Who Are Accused of Sexual Abuse
The website titled "Bishop Accountability" has information on Harkins, with a posting date of 2004..
As noted on the website, "Any original material on these pages is copyright © 2004. Reproduce freely with attribution."
By Nancy Phillips and Craig R. McCoy
Philadelphia Inquirer
October 16, 2005
[See also Craig R. McCoy and Nancy Phillips, Camden Diocese Escapes Scrutiny; and Nancy Philips, Bishop: Sorry for 'Institutional Sin']
Here is the information regarding Harkins:
Thomas Harkins
Ordained: 1971

Allegations: The parents of a young girl told the diocese in 1979 or 1980 that Harkins had abused their daughter after meeting her in religious instruction class, a lawsuit alleged.

The suit says that when the parents brought their complaint to another priest at Harkins' parish, that priest responded by threatening them with the loss of salvation. That priest died in 2000.

Harkins was sent away for treatment, with no public disclosure of the abuse allegation.

At about the same time, Harkins, assigned to St. Anthony of Padua Church in Hammonton, allegedly molested a second girl. When her parents complained to the diocese - not until 1986 - they were warned that pursuing the matter could damage the church's reputation, the suit said.

The church paid settlements in both cases, totaling $195,000.

Church response: Despite a state law requiring that police be notified of abuse against minors, the church never contacted authorities in the Harkins case, the suit said. From 1993 to 2000, Harkins was assigned to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Camden; the parish apparently was chosen because it had few families, Walton said. In 2000, the church made Harkins a prison chaplain.

Bishop Joseph A. Galante criticized the church's handling of the case. "It is indefensible that the complaint was not acted on appropriately," he said.

Walton added: "He should not have been returned to ministry. Law enforcement should have been notified. This would be a serious and inexcusable failure on the part of the diocesan administration to fulfill its obligation to the community."

Status :In 2002, the church permanently removed Harkins, now 59. He could not be located."

As noted by the May 24, 2012 Philadelphia news team, Harkins now works at the Philadelphia International Airport for the Transportation Security Administration [sic] at the security [sic] checkpoint between Terminals D and E., but could be placed anywhere. He has the clearance to conduct grops of men, women, and children.'''

Here are more links to related stories:

"TSA Hires Defrocked Priest with Pedophile History." Prison Planet.

"An Interview with Norman Horn from Stop Austin Scanners Who Says that the X-Ray Scanners are Un-Constitutional and Illegal."

"What can you do now? Keep educating the people you know..." Norman Horn.

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