Monday, May 28, 2012

George W. Bush and His Company Guilty of Murder: Vincent Bugliosi Makes His Case

The Buck Stops at Bush. This is the conclusion of famed attorney Vincent Bugliosi. Known for his book Helter Skelter about the Manson clan murders in 1969, Bugliosi turns his legal expertise to Bush's illegal war on Iraq, and thus the murder of over 4,000 US troops and over 100,000 innocent Iraqi citizens.

In his book The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Bugliosi applies his vast legal experience in successfully prosecuting and convicting murderers, and exposes Bush and his company as being cold-blooded murderers.

"4000 young Americans decomposing in their grave today died for George Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney," writes Bugliosi.

As written in the magazine The Nation by Brett Story:

Bugliosi served as prosecutor for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office, winning 21 murder convictions.

"Bugliosi accuses Bush of taking the nation to war in Iraq under deliberately false pretenses and thus holds him culpable for thousands of subsequent deaths, detailing in The Prosecution the legal basis for such a case and laying out what he argues is the requisite evidence for a murder conviction."

From his website:

"Vincent Bugliosi calls for the United States of America to return to the great nation it once was and can be again. He believes the first step to achieving this goal is to bring those responsible for the war in Iraq to justice."

The book came out in 2008. The question is why a gang of killers are still loose and protected by the US Secret Service.

Bugliosi v. Bush. By Brett Story. June 19, 2008. The Nation.

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