Saturday, November 24, 2012

Action to Save Wolves in Minnesota via Biological Diversity org

Action and Petition to Save Wolves in Minnesota

To sign the petition, please use the above link.
Below, is a copy of the call to action.
Please take action by January 21, 2013.

Tell Minnesota: Stop Wolf Killings for Sport

Gray wolf
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When Great Lakes wolves lost their Endangered Species Act protection earlier this year, responsibility for their well-being fell on individual states. Livestock producers and other special interest groups -- dead set on using this change to kill wolves for sport -- pushed through laws authorizing sport hunting and trapping of Minnesota wolves. Now Minnesota's wolves urgently need your help.

In response to these new laws, the Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit. Minnesota state courts refused to stop the killing. In less than two weeks, hunters shot and killed more than 120 of Minnesota’s wolves. The state's goal is to kill 400 by the end of the season.

Hunting season is already open, and wolf trapping season begins Saturday, Nov. 24. Hundreds more of these beautiful and intelligent animals will suffer and die in gruesome leghold traps and snares.

Wolves are an essential part of the American wild. They regulate prey populations and help maintain biodiversity. Sport hunting and trapping may actually make problems between domestic animals and wolves worse. Sport killings disrupt pack dynamics and create lone wolves that are more apt to target livestock or pets out of desperation.

Don't let wolves continue to be killed for sport in Minnesota.

Join our allies, Howling for Wolves, with the form below and tell Gov. Mark Dayton and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to stop sport hunting and trapping of wolves.


Your letter will be sent to the following recipient(s):

Governor Mark Dayton

State of Minnesota

Commissioner Tom Landwehr

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

*Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Please take action by January 31, 2013.

Photo of gray wolf courtesy Wikimedia Commons/Retron.

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