Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Michael Moore's Letter to Obama: Restore Truth, Justice, and the American Way!

Letter from Michael Moore to Obama: Get Busy!

Some of Michael's suggestions:
1. Restore tax cuts for 98% of the public.
2. End the futile war in Afghanistan.
3. End the war on drugs.
4. Moratorium on evictions from home foreclosures.
5. Stop the money in politics.
6. Cover everyone in health, dental, and mental health care.
7. Restoration of Glass-Stegall controls on Wall Street.
8. Reduce Student Loan Dept.
9. Free Bradley Manning, unjustly jailed for reporting war crimes.
10. Tap into the Americans who want to help.
In 2008, "Over 15 million of us gave you our cell numbers or email addresses ...Then, as soon as you won, it was as if you hit the delete button. We never heard from you again. (Until this past year when you kept texting us to send you $25. Inspiring.)"

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