Obama Orders Kids Killed and Says They Are Collatoral Damage.
Who really killed the kids at Sandy Hook?
Why are our public servants Obama et al ignoring a serious discussion/investigation all the causes:
- Psychotropic Drugs
- Unprotected Schools where kids are sitting ducks.
- Violent video games
- Violent films
- War on other nations
- Other causes we must discuss amongst ourselves to find real solutions.
Why don't our public servants Obama et al walk the talk, and begin by taking away all the weapons and guns around OUR White House and OUR government buildings?
Why can Obama et al protect their kids, especially with Secret Service with GUNS to protect Obama et al's kids, and leaving US with just a stick in our hands?
Why is Obama purposefully dividing the nation with this red herring of gun control?
Gallup Poll Shows Americans want safe schools, not useless gun control.
More Americans Want School Officials Armed Than Assault Weapons Banned.
Galllup. December 19, 2012.
Photo of Obama and Biden at picnic with kids, having a water gun fight with assault-type water gun.
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