Thursday, December 6, 2012

The First Day of Legal Pot in Washington State, Seattle Times Article Thursday, December 06, 2012

In Washington State today, Thursday December 06, 2012, people can possess up to one ounce of marijuana. The law also allows one pound of "cannibis-infused" food, or 72 ounces of "cannibis-infused drink." People smoking in public may receive a $50 fine, the same as for public consumption of alcohol.

With the federal government's war on drugs, including marijuana, there is a classic states' rights issue. Legislators from the state have been silent on the issue of the present state of affairs regarding legal marijuana in Washington state. U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are on record as opposing the legalization of marijuana, as well as Representative Cathy McMorris-Rodgers.

Yet, with the 56 percent of Washington State voters approving the legalization of marijuana, the senators and represenatives find themselves out-voted on this matter. The question is will the senators and representatives and federal officials try to stop Washington State voters.

From the Seattle Times article:
"The Washington congressional delegation's muted reaction likely will do little to help clarify the state's unprecedented conflict with the federal ban on marijuana. It also leaves unclear whether voters — who approved legalization 56 to 44 percent — can expect their elected representatives to vigorously stand up for the state law.."
"Now That Pot's Legal in State, Will D.C. Delegation Defend Law?" By Kyung M. Song. With Jonathan Martin. Seattle Times. Published Wed. Dec. 05, 2012. Modified Thurs. Dec. 06, 2012.

Text of Initiative 505

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