Friday, July 5, 2013

Edward Snowden, Whistleblower, Offered Asylum by President of Venezuela, Seconded by Nicaragua's Ortega July 6, 2013

The British news organization The Guardian, is reporting that Snowden now has several places to escape:

"Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro said on Friday he had decided to offer asylum to former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, who has petitioned several countries to avoid capture by Washington.
"In the name of America's dignity ... I have decided to offer humanitarian asylum to Edward Snowden," Maduro told a televised military parade marking Venezuela's independence day."

Meanwhile, the public servants in the White House and the National Security Agency just don't understand that Americans, and people in the world, do not want US servants spying on US. Read about what happened when the NSA tried to hold a recruitment drive:

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