Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Snowden Story Continues with Bolivian President Plane Barred from France and Portugal Airspace Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Here's a link to a petition to help Edward Snowden
Barack Obama: Officially pardon Edward Snowden for any & all involvement in the NSA leak.
Petition by John Stevenson Kennewick, WA

"A pardon for this American would show goodwill from the Obama administration which has prosecuted whistleblowers at a historically unprecedented rate...It would mean Snowden could rest his head once again in the country he loves more than anything else in this world with the loved ones whom he knows he put in danger."


The Guardian, the British news organization which broke the story of Edward Snowden's information that the US government servants are spying on everyone, has updated the latest episode in the drama of obama once again filling the role of dictator,tyrant,traitor to Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and everything in the Declaration of Independence, but obama acting like a spoiled child and taking away Snowden's passport and pressuring countries to deny safety for this American citizen who exposed the corrupt and illegal spying on American citizens and the world. Obama should be in jail, not Snowden!

"Edward Snowden asylum: Bolivian president's plane diverted – live

LiveFrance and Portugal refused to let Evo Morales's plane cross their airspace because of suspicions that NSA leaker Edward Snowden was on board, Bolivia's foreign minister says..."


From the posts:
".... one of the bravest men in America is being hunted like a dog. The US is showing just how desperate and depraved they have become.
The world loves you Mr Snowden, keep strong sir."

Meanwhile, citizen groups are supporting Snowden for revealing the US government servants spying on everyone and keeping a secret database that Snowden reported to the world.

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