Tuesday, July 23, 2013

TSA Wants Pre-Screened Passengers to Pay $85, Give Fingerprints, Web Browsing History, ETC. Wed. July 23, 2013

"Instead of cutting the various ‘anti-terrorist’ security functions employed by the TSA that have not caught a single terrorist despite expansive funding and highly invasive techniques that violate our fundamental rights, the TSA is now offering a new ‘quick pass’ system - See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/tsa-give-us-your-fingerprints-web-history-and-you-can-keep-your-shoes-on_072013#sthash.s4upRAMo.dpuf

Check out The Daily Sheeple for the latest TSA fantasy coming to reality soon unless/until Americans stand up again and claim their Constitution, Bill of Rights, and responsibilty to fight for liberty and justice for all. The TSA "pre-check" system, using a third-party contractor, wants your fingerprints just like you are a "pre-criminal" along with your dough $85. After waiting several weeks, you can now be pushed through TSA body scanners, moving you like an animal to the slaughter, as you still have to go through the machines which enrich Michael Chertoff, a bush-buddy, zap you with harmful radiation, leave an explicit naked picture that TSA staff can and do ogle and store, and possibly, at the TSA whim, still get a TSA hand down your pants, front and back, or if you are a female, get groped like you were in the back seat of a '63 Chevy. Just as now, Americans are paying to lose their rights, pay another $85 for the privilege of giving up more rights.


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