The people in Chicago and the outlying areas have been hit with both radioactive steam and an earthquake, occurring on Monday, January 30th and Tuesday, January 31st, respectively. As reported by Dutchsince, online as Sincedutch, the nuclear power plant northwest of Chicago lost power early Monday, and vented radioactive steam approximately 10:00 am, blowing into the city of Chicago and other areas in the windstream.
Dutchsince refers to Arto Lauri, a Finnish nuclear scientist, who has observed the possible cause and effect of the use of uranium containing plutonium. According to Lauri, Russia ceased production of uranium, leading to the use of uranium containing plutonium. In the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the amount of ionization over Japan began to skyrocket. To counter the effect, governments tried a combination of chemtrails and HAARP, resulting in the atmosphere receiving massive energy. Lauri describes this energy. It took on the properties of an "iron nail grounding all the energy to the soil. This energy then reached the rock foundation and plezoactive quartz crystals in the ground started vibrating."
The vibrations caused the teutonic plate to vibrate, leading to the earthquake and tsunami. When the Fukushima nuclear power plant lost power, the technicans released steam. This steam needs to "breathe" oxygen, and caused the hydrogen explosion. This explosion affected a methane-gas-clutter, or iced methane. This type of methane formation is found underneath the Earth's surface throughout the globe, beginning about 600 meters deep, and with a thickness of about 1 kilometer.
Lauri refers to the theory of Axel Morner, that the methane-clutter temperature increased from 2 degrees celsius with an accompanying increase in volume, leading to an explosion in Fukushima reactor number 4, which had contained no uranium. The methane explosion caused a blue flame one kikometer high, as well as more explosions at Fukushima reactors.
Lauri notes that the connection was made by Germany, which realized the immediate danger, and shut down its "inextinguishable reactors" and closing down nine. The US closed 10, while France had two reactors releasing steam.
When asked what HAARP is, Lauri replied, "HAARP is basically a microwave oven." He said it is also an instrument of war. Lauri believes that in trying to counteract the Fukushima explosion, the people behind HAARP did not understand the magnitude of the effect of HAARP upon the atmosphere.
Dutchsince is wondering if the same effect is occurring at the Chicago area. Meanwhile, with the additional doses of radiation, as usual, we can contact our Congress, eat heathy food, and keep up intake of flax and rosemary, reported to protect and counter the effects of radiation.
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