Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wed. Feb. 1, 2012 Another US Nuclear Power Plant Closes, Earthquakes by Nuclear Power Plants in Virginia and Washington State, and How to Cook Potatoes

A California Nuclear Power Plant Shuts Down a Reactor as a Precaution, along with Illinois Plant. Earthquakes Near Nuclear Power Plants in Virginia and Washington State.
As reported by Dutchsince, the California San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant reactor had a leak, resulting in the shutdown of the plant. This joins the shutdown of the Illinois Byron Nuclear plant after radioactive steam escaped January 30th to 31st, and blew over the Chicago area. Dutch also reports earthquakes in the vicinity of Washington state's Hanford Nuclear Reservation and Cuckoo Virginia nuclear plant.

How to Cook Potatoes to Avoid Carcinogen Acrylamide.
French fries, potato chips, baked potatoes: these are all-American staples in our diets. Yet, according to an article by David Gutierrez for, the very process of cooking foods with starch can create the carcinogen acrylamide. If you want to avoid this carcinogen, Gutierrez provides these guidelines in his article "Frying Potatoes to Make Chips or French Fries Produces a Potent Chemical Carcinogen Called Acrylamide."

"Potatoes should be stored outside the refrigerator in a cool, dark place. Before frying, they should be sliced, soaked in water for 15-30 minutes, then patted dry. They should be fried at lower temperatures for less time, until they are golden yellow -- not brown."

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