Sunday, February 26, 2012

Coal Train Protests in the Pacific Northwest. Guest Opinion by Jan Hoem, Spokesman Review. Feb. 26, 2012

February 26, 2012 in Opinion  Guest opinion: Fight coal exports, trains. Jan Hoem Special to The Spokesman-Review. 

Hoem presents facts leading to the conclusion that coal trains are a loser situation with no benefits.

Hoem serves as chair for Montana Elders for a Liveable Tomorrow.

Here is a quote:
"Are we more concerned about the profits of coal companies than the future of our children and grandchildren? With these terminals, we make a choice for future generations...
Please join the coal export dialogue in your community, and contact Washington state Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark, (360) 902-1004 "stop coal export.”

The web address is

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