Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Bombing Officials Martial Law Lock Down , Punishing Innocent and Disrupting Life April 19, 2013 , Big Brother Blowup in Boston

In an effort to find one person, military and police and other people with letters and badges have forgotten the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and instead enslaved an entire American city. The military, police, and other people with letters and badges have no business to tell people to "stay inside and answer the door for no one but authorities." How would any free-loving person submit to this enslavement? Imagine being stuck inside your home, with no one allowed to come over except the "authorities?" Imagine that you can't run your business, or work for money, or socialize, or go to church, or to your arts or sporting event until the "authorities" tell you it's ok! This is a nightmare. Our government servants have made themselves our masters, and made US into slaves. Since when can the police "order" innocent people to do something? We must ensure that our servants obey US, not the other way around.
This fascist over-reaction by locking down an entire metropolitian area so that military-type people are running around with guns and invading our homes, this must end now. Otherwise, the Boston Bombing is just the beginning of martial law, enslavement, and death for innocent people.

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master…” George Washington

"Police ordered businesses in the suburb of Watertown and nearby communities to stay closed and told residents to stay inside and answer the door for no one but authorities. Boston authorities advised the same. The city's subway, bus, Amtrak train systems and [buses] ... shut down. Taxi service...Every Boston area school is closed."

UPDATE: Apparently, freedom lovers in Boston won by Friday evening April 19, 2013. You can't tell people to stay home on Friday night. This is a victory of sorts.

"Early in the day, police told residents of several city neighborhoods, especially Watertown, to stay inside. School was canceled, bus and train service suspended and people were even told not to venture out for work. But those restrictions were lifted at the news briefing Friday night, even though the suspect remained on the loose.
"Please go about your business," said Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau."

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