Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Bombing Suspect Found After Curfew Was Lifted by Alert Citizen who Informed the Baffled FBI, Police, ETC Friday April 19, 2013

With an alledged suspect in the Boston Bombing still loose, the "authorities" lifted the Boston Lockdown of April 19, 2013, when the clues ran out, and Boston citizens ran out of patience with their lives on hold while "authorities" conducted a useless and costly exercise in martial law. The normal citizen who found the suspect in a back-yard boat and alerted the police typifies the response of Bostonians who were dragged into lock down into an over-reaction by law enforcement:

"The man who found the Boston bombing suspect in his boat Friday night may be a hero, but he's an angry hero if the boat got shot up in the gunfire that preceded the fugitive's capture, one of his neighbors said."

After the "authorities" stopped locking up the people of Boston, they could go about their lives and business. And most importantly, regular citizen David Henneberry, who was just trying to get a breath of fresh air after being locked up in his home all day, was able to notice his boat's tarp had been tampered with, saw someone inside it, and called the "authorities."

Law enforcement arrived and began to fire a lot of weapons.
Whatever happened to using talking, tear gas, or other mostly non-lethal tactics. These can be very effective and safe procedures.
In this case, the gun fire was unnecessary with an unarmed suspect.
We the People must ensure that the "authorities" act as public servants, not bosses.
Let people go about their business, and on their own, they will inform you of criminal activity. The useless and expensive martial law in Boston failed US and failed the world. It is up to US to uphold the principles in Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, and help Our public servants who need to know from US how to help US and the world.

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