Thursday, April 11, 2013

Will Failing Banks Take Client Funds As in Cyprus? Analysis by Web of Debt Blogger Ellen Brown

The Wall Street Ticking Time Bomb That Could Blow Up Your Bank Account. By Ellen Brown, Web of Debt Blog. April 9, 2013

"Derivatives turn the financial system into a casino. And the House always wins.
“Too big to fail” now trumps all. Rather than banks being put into bankruptcy to salvage the deposits of their customers, the customers will be put into bankruptcy to save the banks."

Meanwhile, on April 10, 2013:
"By Accident, Fed Gives Early Data to Banks." By Nelson D. Schwartz. New York Times: Economy. April 10, 2013.
The Federal Reserve alerted bank officials on Tuesday that policy makers were considering a shift on when to begin easing back on stimulus efforts, a day before the news was released publicly, but it insisted there was no evidence traders on Wall Street had benefited from what was called an error.

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