Friday, April 5, 2013

Obama Cites Constitution and Second Amendment to say he is "Constrained by the system our founders put in place."

Obama: “I Am Constrained by the System Our Founders Put in Place”
"President lambasts Americans who cite Second Amendment as a defense against government tyranny"
Paul Joseph Watson
April 5, 2013
"During a speech in Denver, Colorado, President Obama remarked that his gun control agenda was “constrained by the system our founders put in place,” as he lambasted Second Amendment advocates who argue that gun ownership is a means of protection against government tyranny."

Obama stated:

“Opponents of some of these common-sense laws have ginned up fears among responsible gun owners that have nothing to do with what’s being proposed and nothing to do with the facts, but feeds into this suspicion about government,” said Obama.
“You hear some of these quotes: “I need a gun to protect myself from the government.” “We can’t do background checks because the government is going to come take my guns away.”
“Well, the government is us. These officials are elected by you. They are elected by you. I am elected by you. I am constrained, as they are constrained, by a system that our Founders put in place. It’s a government of and by and for the people.”

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