Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Florida Congressman Arranges to Bring Obama's Drone Victims to Congress: State Department Holds Up Victims' Attorney Visa Sept. 24, 2012

“‘You could see these little figures scurrying, and the explosion going off, and when the smoke cleared there was just rubble and charred stuff,’...[Bleeding] human beings running for cover are such a common sight that they have inspired a slang term: ‘squirters.’”

Florida congressman Alan Grayson is working to bring Obama's drone victims to Congress.
"We have a chronic problem in Congress that when the administration is involved in one side of the issue, we rarely hear about the other side of the issue.
"This is true with regard to NSA domestic spying. This is true with regard to proposed military intervention in Syria. And it's also true with regard to the drone attacks in Pakistan and in Yemen."
"I think Congress and the American people simply need to hear both sides of the story, and that's why we invited these witnesses to come and testify."

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