Friday, September 6, 2013

Prosecution of George Bush for MURDER: Please sign and send to your prosecutor

We the People have neglected a solemn duty of ensuring that there is life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and justice for ALL, by letting OUR public servants free war criminals such as bush, cheney, rice, rove, rumfilled, john "the president can torture kids" yoo, and others in the bush gang, and now the bush II show run by obama et al.

Because bush co are free to inject more pain, suffering, and death into the world, other traitors are emboldened in further efforts to turn US into a nation of slaves, zombies marching to death by gmos, radiation from body scanners and fukushima, and the killing of OUR military.

bush and obama are mass murderers, and the prosecutor Vince Bugliosi of mass murderers the Manson gang, knows murderers when he sees them. Bugliosi has written a clear, logical, factual, and evidenced argument to indict George Bush for MURDER. It's up to US to force OUR public servants to do their duty: arrest, indict, try, convict, and sentence bush and co for murder, war crimes. Then We must move to the current war criminals still occupying our congress.

The Whole World is Watching US!! Are we turtles on Our backs, under the iron heel of tyrants and fascists? OR are We Free, Responsible Citizens, willing to roll up our sleeves and take care of justice?

Here is a webpage with more information, along with a printable demand to send to our local prosecutors:
We are All in this world together. An injustice to one person is an injustice to ALL!!!

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