Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We Must Stop Obamaa's Mad Hatter Plan to Strike and Kill Innocent People in Syria: via World Can't Wait Editorial Sept. 4, 2013

No Matter if Congress Says It’s Legal: Attacking Syria is Immoral, Unjust, Illegitimate

Congress knows, as they read the public opinion polls too, and there could be an actual political fight in Congress over Obama’s plan, leading to a political damage for his agenda.  But, as John Kerry, the former anti-war veteran turned Secretary of ruling class warmongering said,
“We don’t contemplate that the Congress is going to vote no,” Kerry said, but he stressed the president had the right to take action “no matter what Congress does.”
That was the stick of Obama’s message, backed up by his assertion that as Commander in Chief, his military is ready today, tomorrow, or in the near future to strike.

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