Friday, September 6, 2013


PHOTO of Children in Iraq Liberated by OUR Troops

From the Pen Action Page: We the People Must Stop Obamma's Psychotic Attack and Plan to "Strike" and Kill Innocent Infants, Babies, Toddlers, Pre-Schoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, and Seniors NOW

The Whole World is Watching US to See if We the People Are Free, or gutless slaves:

Will We the PEOPLE let more people die? Over 18 can watch the sickening footage of OUR troops "liberating" innocent Iraqi people

"FALLUJAH, 4 January 2005 (IRIN) - "It was really distressing picking up dead bodies from destroyed homes, especially children. It is the most depressing situation I have ever been in since the war started," Dr Rafa'ah al-Iyssaue, director of the main hospital in Fallujah city, some 60 km west of Baghdad, told IRIN.

The hospital emergency team has recovered more than 700 bodies from rubble where houses and shops once stood, according to al-Iyssaue.

He added that more than 550 were women and children. He said a very small number of men were found in these places and most were elderly.

Doctors at the hospital claim that many bodies had been found in a mutilated condition, some without legs or arms. Two babies were found at their homes and are believed to have died from malnutrition, according to a specialist at the hospital.

Al-Iyssaue added these numbers were only from nine neighbourhoods of the city and that 18 others had not yet been reached, as they were waiting for help from the Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS) to make it easier for them to enter."

Dear Friends and Activists,

In the next 7 days, it will be determined by your voices speaking
out, or not, whether the world will be thrown into utter mayhem by
the United States arrogating to itself the right to attack any other
country in the world anytime it pleases, based our own self-righteous
standard of proof.

Anybody Remember The Last Rush To War Action Page:

Does anybody remember the last time we were in rush to attack another
country without a confirmation from the UN weapons inspectors about
the cause?

Somebody in Congress should since, given the complete debacle of the
next 10 years which followed, nobody would have supported the
invasion of Iraq if they had known there were in truth no weapons of
mass destruction there whatsoever. And now they are talking about
duplicating that blunder on an even bigger scale by rushing to war as
a vigilante without any other countries as actual participating

If the evidence of use of chemical weapons is as incontrovertible as
they claim, it should be a cinch this time to obtain the endorsement
of the U.N. weapons inspectors. And then the whole world will support
decisive action. But if we barge in alone now, it will lead to
nothing by greater evil.

Anybody Remember The Last Rush To War Action Page:

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policy message advocacy bumper stickers, you can have any one of them
for no charge, not even shipping, just by submitting this form.

Bumper Sticker Requests:

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make a donation right now. And we thank you for your kind support.

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