"If Obama will close parks to get his way now, just imagine what will happen in a few years if the government gets full control of your health care, then threatens to shut that down if it doesn't get it's way. Didn't we pay for these parks? Aren't they "ours"? Then why are we willing to sit back and be locked out of what belongs to "we the people"? I am baffled by our citizens lack of understanding and lack of backbone."
John Ervin, from Herman, Missouri
He breached the barrier
"I wanted to show my daughter that I could go up there.
All the other toursits who can't see what they want to see.
This is not the way it should be.
It's a stinking mess.
We should be able to see our national treasures, our national monuments.
I feel sorry for everyone.
I wish a dozen or a hundred had gone up there.
I was the second bravest person"
Watch the video
Martha Tazlioli from Seattle
We came for four days
It's been pretty disappointing.
We came here to take
We were talking to a ranger at the Korean War Memorial
Why can't we go in.
They said they weren't going to wrestle us to the ground,
So we walked in, and others walked in, and it's been open ever since.
Here's a plan from a commentator:
"Good job Dad!
For too long we have been helpless groveling dependent on the politicians to save us and they do not care about us!
How about having citizen committees that hire and pay unemployed but hardworking honest Americans to do the work of manning, cleaning, guarding, supervising these sites & parks etc,,,, as shutdown persists; the citizen committees can take over other functions as well. As the October 10-14 strike/disturbance/blockade and the October 17 default debt ceiling US declared in default crisis/date comes these citizen committees will take over the functions and institute policies to protect American workers and children from harm.
I suggest that Dad here be general secretary of one of the committees.
If this works; we can simply inform Senate, Federal Reserve, Treasury secretary, Clinton, J. Kerry, President, Vice-President, Congress; that since they have betrayed us and we are better off without them; that they are fired and banned from entering Washington DC, NYC, London, Tripoli, for 5 years.'
the regulatory agencies that hinder businesses, factories, farms without protecting workers will be eliminated; and the money formerly spent upon them will be used to give USA mass-transit system and to balance the budget.
The local town council meetings, scientists, nurses, school teachers, Libraries and their staff, doctors, soldiers , small business owners, farmers , of America will govern America
America will grant all people in all countries the right to fly the flag of their choice, read/own the books of their choice, live lifestyle of their choice so long as they not abuse/degrade/enslave/injure/oppress others as all people in the world lead, govern, and represent ourselves"