Tuesday, May 21, 2013

British Kids Swabbed and Robbed of DNA by Police for Their Database. Reported by Daily Mail May 19, 2013

In the country where the Magna Carta codified human rights, British police are subjecting kids to the same treatment as criminals.

"Police take DNA of 27 primary children a week: Nearly 54,000 under 18s were swabbed for database during 2012." Daily Mail.By Jack Doyle. May 19, 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2327269/Police-DNA-27-primary-children-week.html#ixzz2TuNeeyIn
"Police collect a DNA sample from a child every ten minutes, it emerged last night.
Officers took nearly 54,000 swabs of genetic material from under 18s last year.
On average, 27 primary school children had their DNA taken by the police every week to put on the national database.

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