Sunday, May 19, 2013

Philadelphia Rally for Marijuana Leglaization Ends in Arrests, Including Adam Kokesh Sat. May 18, 2013

Philadelphia Rally for Marijuana Leglaization Ends in Arrests, Including Adam Kokesh Sat. May 18, 2013

Washington State and Colorado are doing just fine after the legalization of marijuana. However in the rest of the nation and parts of the world, people are still having to fight for their right to use a God-given plant.

On Saturday in Philadelphia, the birthplace of our nation's liberties and freedoms, and responsibilities, police arrested a number of protesters at the Smoke Down Prohibition rally. Despite the many other important duties, these police were ordered to attack peaceful protesters who were engaging in the same activity as citizens in Washington State and Colorado. Our Founders grew hemp and recognized its usefulness.

Among the protesters was Adam Kokesh, who just happens to be a former Marine, a radio talk show host, and the organizer of a July 4th armed march on Washington D.C. in support of the Second Amendment.

Additional Coverage:

"UPDATE (9:35PM CST): The following post has appeared on Facebook:
Adam is locked up in a federal jail… he will go infront of a judge monday… he is being charged with resisting arrest… that us all I know – Lucas "
Related posts:
  1. Armed march on Washington D.C. announced for July 4th: Is Adam Kokesh crazy, or courageous?
  2. Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th ‘To Put Gov’t on Notice’
  3. Adam Kokesh: Arrested in my underwear at a TSA checkpoint
  4. Exclusive: Talk Show Host Calls For Armed March On D.C., Plans Peaceful ‘Revolt’
  5. Adam Kokesh discusses Jefferson Memorial dance, round 2

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