Thursday, May 2, 2013

Roger Nicholson Attacks Journalists Who Question Boston Bombing Story , But Nicholson Laughs at Killing Homeless, Prostitutes, Iraquis Dying, and US Soldiers Sufferings from Depleted Uranium

Roger Nicholson Attacks Journalists Who Question Boston Bombing Story. Nicholson Laughs at Killing Homeless, Prostitutes, Iraquis Dying, and US Soldiers Sufferings from Depleted Uranium, and Their Deformed Children. May 2, 2013

"A man who attacked Infowars as being insensitive to the Boston bombing victims during a guest spot on MSNBC appears in a YouTube video in which he jokes about killing homeless people and prostitutes while laughing at Iraqis being blown to pieces."

“Do you see this right here, this is what used to be a person….now look at him, he’s a wet spot on the side of the road...I don’t know why you can’t just laugh at that and get all upset and all weepy.” Roger Nicholson

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