Thursday, May 23, 2013

Obama hits another failed note in his lame dictator speech. All the obama horses, men, and drones can't put this rotten egg back together again. May 23, 2013

"Obama details drone policy in speech outlining counter-terrorism doctrine."

Obama hits another failed note in his lame dictator speech. All the obama horses, men, and drones can't put this rotten egg back together again. He's a traitor, and if the US is a nation of citizens, and not turtles on our backs, then We the People must immediately kick-start OUR government, and instruct our power-drunk servants to immediately indict, try in a court of law, and place these psychopathic tyrants in prison where they belong. No one is safe with bush co and obama co running loose and killing people.

The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution outline natural rights given to all people on the earth by the Creator(s). Obama's lame "special rules" are nothing more than fascist babble.
in Washington,

"Special courts would ...decide on targeted assassinations of terrorism suspects under a clutch of new legal checks ... to bring an end to the notion of an "boundless war on terror".

"The president, who currently has to personally sign off on targeted drone strikes outside the US, hopes the increased oversight will help bring his controversial programme of killings out of the legal shadows." front:network-front main-3 Main trailblock:Network front - main trailblock:Position1

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