Sunday, May 12, 2013

FBI Surrounds a Michigan Saudi Student Visiting Friends and Carrying a Pressure Cooker for a Pot Luck Dinner May 11 to 12, 2013

Pressure cookers go under the FBIs gun as agents warn a Saudi student carrying a pressure cooker into his friend's house for a pot luck.

"A Saudi student living in Michigan was questioned in his home by FBI agents after neighbours saw him carrying a pressure cooker and called the police.
Talal al Rouki had been cooking a traditional Saudi Arabian rice dish called kabsah and was carrying it to a friend's house."
Read more:

“You need to be more careful moving around with such things,” an FBI agent told the nervous student, the Daily Mail quotes the Arabic newspaper."
FBI Surrounds Saudi Student’s House After Neighbors See Him with Pressure Cooker      
May 12, 2013

From the Comments sections:
Anonymous says: May 12, 2013 at 10:51 am
"We are no longer a nation of laws, when pigs can make up laws on the spot, such as “You need to be more careful moving around with such things.” "

faro0485 says: May 12, 2013 at 11:26 am 
You don’t need a pressure cooker, you don’t even need rice!
Just wait for those soylent blue, yellow or red.

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