Friday, August 30, 2013

John "Skull and Bones" Kerry Can't Wait to Kill More People for Nothing August 30, 2013

"US Set for Syria Strikes After Kerry Says Evidence of Chemical Attack is 'Clear'"

"History will judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turn a blind eye to a dictator's wanton use of weapons of mass destruction," Kerry said in a briefing to reporters at the State Department in Washington.

"The White House has indicated it does not believe it needs the backing of Congress, nor the support of traditional allies, before taking action against Assad.

Pathological John "Skull and Bones" Kerry Delivers Death Sentence to Innocent Syrian People, Planning to Kill Them Tomorrow, Saturday August 31, 2013. Illegal acts of war, without Congress or the American people's backing:

After winning the 2004 election, John Kerry abdicated his responsibilty to the American people and the world by giving up and saying that the bush stealing of the election was legal.
"Kerry Welcomes Fascism with Open Arms
John Kerry's pitiful and immediate capitulation, surrendering with even less of a fight than Al Gore in 2000, despite clear, overt and gross vote fraud across the country...was sickening.
Bush's Skull & Bones fraternity brother then spoke of "healing" and uniting behind Bush, a speech grotesquely reminiscent of Al Gore's sickening 2000 declaration that Bush was "mah president.""

Now, Kerry is a skeleton coming out of the closet, ready to "strike" down innocent infants, babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, kids, tweens, teens, adults, and seniors.

Kerry used psychobabble, describing deadly explosions as "limited" "tailored" "surgical"

It's Past Time for US to Take Out the Trash.
Clean Our Government of Corrupt Psychos.
Or War Will Make Corpses of US ALL

Call and Kickstart OUR Congress to Stop Killing and Bring OUR Troops and Money Home to US. And indict, try, jail traitors to US.

From a message from The World Can't Wait:

"The terrible situation in Egypt and Syria may make one wish to look away, but we can't...
The U.S. government backed a military coup removing the elected government of President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The military, trained and supported under successive U.S. administrations, receiving more than $1.5B a year, killed over 1,000 Morsi supporters on August 14, including women and children.

Ask the population of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia — the most recent recipients of U.S. "humanitarian intervention" — how it has U.S. presence worked out?

Editorial by The Daily Paradise

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