Monday, August 26, 2013

The World Can't Wait : Obama Wants to Pardon War Criminals and Jail the Person Who Reported the War Crimes Mon. Aug. 26, 2013

Call and Kickstart OUR Congress to Stop Killing and Bring OUR Troops and Money Home to US.

From a message from The World Can't Wait:

"The terrible situation in Egypt and Syria may make one wish to look away, but we can't...

The U.S. government backed a military coup removing the elected government of President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The military, trained and supported under successive U.S. administrations, receiving more than $1.5B a year, killed over 1,000 Morsi supporters on August 14, including women and children.

Ask the population of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia — the most recent recipients of U.S. "humanitarian intervention" — how it has U.S. presence worked out?

 “...The case is Saleh v. Bush (N.D. Cal. Mar. 13, 2013, No. C 13 1124 JST).”

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Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait"

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