Friday, August 2, 2013

News from the Pen: NSA Taps All US, and Sends Info to Foreign Spy Services

Here is news from The Pen:
The breaking news this morning is that Edward Snowdon has been
granted one year temporary asylum in Russia and was freed to leave
the Moscow airport.

But much more earthshaking is the confirmation that not only has the
NSA in fact grabbed the power to do, and is doing, blanket content
collection of the private communications of ALL of us, they are even
sharing the programs to wield that unconstitutional power with
foreign intelligence services.

Oversee The NSA Action Page:

The NSA program secretly named as XKeyScore has been shared with both
the foreign and domestic intelligence agencies of Germany. Did the
FISA court believe that when they carelessly rubber stamped these
programs that they would be used to do limitless, warrantless
eavesdropping? We don't think so. And did the FISA court imagine that
the NSA would franchise (a polite word for pimping) this seized power
to foreign governments without any limitations on them. We don't
think so. But we now know otherwise.

All this underlines the urgency of immediately putting real
regulation on the NSA, not just continue to hand over to them
whatever totalitarian power they demand, with them secretly going far
beyond even that.

Oversee The NSA Action Page:

The NSA has no business whatsoever snooping around without limit in
the private lives of law abiding citizens. They can easily obtain
search warrants to track the real terrorists out there, assuming
anyone was interested in doing any actual real police work.

The totalitarians have been arguing since 9/11 that their over the
top constitutional outrages would have prevented that attack. The
truth is that it was only their derelict arrogance and determined
disregard, in the face of the most glaring and obvious warning signs,
and some would say even their complicity, that made even that
terrorist attack possible.

And they have done nothing since but lie about it. They stone wall
lied about what they actually knew before 9/11 about the presence of
those terrorists in our country, which would have exposed their gross
incompetence. For example, Tenet lied under oath in front of the 9/11
commission even about whether he personally met with George Bush in
August of 2001. The public record was so clear on that he was forced
to admit he "misspoke" before the end of that same day.

In essence, they have used their own incompetence as a pretext for
gutting our 4th Amendment, while they expect us all to continue to
cower in fear.

It is a bald-faced lie that giving the NSA carte blanche access to
any and all communications of every American citizen makes us safer
or prevents another terrorist attack in any way. There is nothing
they are doing to actually protect us that could not be done equally
as effectively under proper constitutional procedure by real police
investigators using search warrants based on actual probable cause.

Oversee The NSA Action Page:

So please submit the action page above to reiterate your support of
reasonable and necessary oversight of our currently out of control
totalitarian surveillance state.

And then if you like you can also request one of our beautiful new
"Don't Spy On US" bumper stickers. We'll send you one for no charge,
not even shipping. Of course if you can make a contribution of any
amount, this is what makes it possible for us to send free stickers
to anyone who cannot make a donation right now.

Don't Spy On US bumper stickers:

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