Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Repressive Department of Homeland Security Declares No Constitution Surrounding America: The Constitution and Bill of Rights : We the People Need to USE Them or We Will Lose Them

Ever since bush, cheney et al attacked US on 911, killing over 3000 Americans, police and firefighters in cold blood, there has been a direct assault on Our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The un-patriot "patriot act" was papered over Our Rights. Now, the repressive "department of homeland security" declares that the Constitution doesn't apply to a wide swath of US.

This chilling development is only the beginning. Soon, the "orange" line, like orange prison jumpsuits, will spread, leaving US at the mercy of trigger-happy psychopaths. Obama is one of them.
We must kickstart our stalled Congress now, or We the People lead ourselves and our kids and future generations into slavery and death.

"the DHS creation of literal ‘Constitution free zones’, in which the agency stands above the Constitution in authority and declares that the Bill of Rights does not exist for over 197 million within this nation. We’re talking about searches with no suspicion or warrants that essentially burn the Fourth Amendment."

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