Friday, August 16, 2013

Judge Calls Manning "Reckless and Wanton," but Judge Is Ok with Killing Innocent Civilians and Upholding Tyranny August 16, 2013

For the update on the Bradley Manning kangeroo court, travesty of justice, here is a link to The Guardian:

"The military judge who will determine how long Bradley Manning will spend in prison for the biggest breach of classified data in the nation's history said Friday she found that his acts were "wanton and reckless."
Judge Colonel Denise Lind last month found Manning, 25, guilty of 20 criminal counts, including espionage and theft, for handing over some 700,000 secret US documents to WikiLeaks."

From Comments
"Not a single individual has died or been injured by the leaks. Reckless and wanton dealings with the people's money hasn't yet landed any wWall St banker in jail, or the reckless and wanton injustice of Guantanamo hash;t stopped, or the reckless and wanton destruction of the gulf by BP hasn't been prosecuted, or the reckless and wanton spying of Americans hasn't been punished....Why then is this young guy who has been not only imprisoned for three years suffered torture and now has been forced to humiliate himself under the pressure of the greatest military power on earth, which has wantonly and recklessly killed innocent civilians everywhere, and no one is in jail for that, WHY is this young man found guilty of all these crimes????"

From the comments
via HerbmanHusstlin:
"An animation of Judge Colonel Denise Lind (such a bastion of fair play) can be found here....
Poor Bradley Manning.... he doesn't deserve this."

Unfortunately, this Pink Floyd "The Trial" animation sums up the judge, the entire group of servants who are polluting the US government, and the horrible treatment and persecution of Bradley Manning, while the killers are rewarded with money and power.

Only for 21years old or older. Not for kids.

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