Saturday, August 31, 2013

Obama Twists and Throws War Grenade to US and Congress Saturday August 31, 2013

Obama Calls Bluff on US :
While Normal Americans are trying to enjoy the Labor Day Weekend, Obama, the War Toy Killer Drone King, is pressing Congress and US to play his war game.
We should be enjoying a peaceful, fun, family time. But psycho-killers like Obama et al don't enjoy peaceful, fun, family time, but would rather be blowing up innocent people for fun.
Please find time, as an American, to contact OUR SERANTS IN CONGRESS, THE COURTS, THE WHITE HOUSE.

It's Past Time for US to Take Out the Trash.
Clean Our Government of Corrupt Psychos.
Or War Will Make Corpses of US ALL
Call and Kickstart OUR Congress to Stop Killing and Bring OUR Troops and Money Home to US. And indict, try, jail traitors to US.

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